Doctor, 14 other employees found absent from duty in Shopian hospital

Shopian, Nov 9 : A doctor and 14 other employees were found absent from duty during a surprise visit by District Magistrate (DM), Sachin Kumar Vaishya, to district hospital here.

According to an official handout, to assess the quality health services and patient care, the District Magistrate paid a surprise visit to the District Hospital Shopian and inspected various sections of the hospital. He also took stock of the medical facilities being provided to the patients there.


During the inspection, a doctor, a latecomer, besides 12 other staff members were found unauthorized absent from their duties at the hospital.

Taking serious note of their unauthorized absence, the DM said that stern action shall be initiated against the absentees under rules.

Meanwhile, the DM reiterated that such inspections will continue in future also and dereliction of duty including unauthorized absence will not be tolerated at all. Further explanation was also sought from all the absent employees.

The DM visited different sections and wards including emergency, operation theatre, ECG unit, Dental section, X-ray, Gynae, and Post Operation wards. He inquired about the availability of medicines, diagnostic and other facilities available in the hospital.

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