Opening of Kishtwar-Sinthan road demanded

Members of civil society in Kishtwar protested on Tuesday demanding opening of Kishtwar-Sinthan road which is closed since December. 

The protestors blocked the main road in the town here andraised slogans against the administration for its failure to openKishtwar-Sinthan road on time while other seasonal roads like Mughal Road hadalready been opened.


“It is the need of the hour that the route connectingKishtwar and Doda with the rest of world should be reopened without any delay,as it will only help in bringing the high-altitude twin districts on thetourism map,” said Naseer Bagwan, a civil society member, adding that thescenic beauty of the area enthralls visitors.

“Reopening the roadwill not only help in mitigating thepeople’s issues, but will also help in promoting pilgrimage tourism as a numberof religious places are located in Doda and Kishtwar districts,” said anotherprotestor, Arshad Hussain Giri.

The protesting members of civil society appealed to theGovernor Satya Pal Malik for taking a serious note of the continuing closure ofthe important road still under snow.

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