Scientists develop robotic swarm for medical use

Chinese scientists have developed a robotic system inspired by a colony of ants that can collectively achieve complex tasks like gathering large prey.

The study, published in the journal Science Robotics,described the nanorobots fleet that have demonstrated potential for in-bodydiagnosis and treatment at the cellular or even molecular level.


A single robot is two micrometre in diameter, 40 timessmaller than a hair, thus capable of running through blood capillaries, leadauthor Xie Hui, Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology in China, reportedXinhua.

The peanut-shaped iron microrobots can be energised by analternating magnetic field, offering high flexibility to collectively performmultiple tasks in a confined environment.

By tuning the frequency of the rotating magnetic field andits polarisation in three-dimensional space, the researchers obtained a seriesof well-controlled, fast and reversible transformations, Xie said.

Those formations include liquid, chain, vortex and ribbon. They can form narrow paths or channels to deliver heavy loads beyond a single robot’s capability.

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