Is Anybody Listening?

Residents of Ellahi Bagh demand fire service station

As we all know, incidents of fire have become a daily occurrence. Day in and day out, these fire incidents cause destruction to properties worth millions of rupees and leave even well-off victims homeless overnight.


Furthermore, the area where we reside is vast and lacks a fire and emergency service. This is a big cause of concern and worry for every resident.

In light of these circumstances, we kindly request the attention of the higher-ups in the concerned department to consider establishing a dedicated service for our area. We have previously voiced this demand, but unfortunately, our pleas went unanswered. Now, we sincerely hope that our demand will be given the attention it deserves.

Residents through

Fayaz Ahmad Purza

Lack of proper drainage system plagues Arifeen Colony in Srinagar

We, the residents of Arifeen Colony, Lane No-1, behind CRPF Camp, Illahi Bagh, Srinagar, are currently facing significant challenges due to the absence of a proper drainage system. Despite our numerous attempts to bring this issue to the attention of the relevant authorities, our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. This neglect has only exacerbated the difficulties faced by us. We have also raised this matter with the Grievance Cell of the Lieutenant Governor of the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, but unfortunately, we are yet to receive any response. The main drainage system is at the advent of our colony, but we have been deprived of this essential facility, while other colonies enjoy the benefits of a proper drainage system. Therefore, through this esteemed publication, we request the authorities to address this matter and relieve us from this distressing situation.

Residents of the locality

Through Prince Ahmad Khan

Macadamise road from Reshipora to Ompora in Budgam

We, the residents of Patihajam Mollah, Ompora, Budgam, would like to bring to your attention the inconvenience we have been facing due to the lack of macadamisation on the road from Reshipora to Ompora. It has been over 12 years since any maintenance work has been done on this road, and we kindly request the concerned department to address this issue promptly.

The absence of macadamisation has caused significant inconvenience to commuters and vehicles alike. Dust and puddles have become common obstacles, making the road difficult and unpleasant to traverse. We earnestly request the concerned department to extend the necessary macadamisation on this road to alleviate these problems.

We sincerely hope that our concerns will be taken into consideration, and the required measures taken promptly to improve the condition of the road.



Gulbagh Parimpora battles with dog overpopulation

We, the residents of Gulbagh Parimpora, Srinagar, would like to bring attention to an important issue. The people in our area face difficulties during the early morning hours due to the excessive number of dogs. The roads are always filled with dogs, which forces people to remain indoors for hours. Since the dogs dominate the roads in the early hours, people have to wait until vehicles start honking to clear the way. We kindly request the relevant authorities to take action to reduce the alarming dog population in our area and ensure the safety of our community, as it is their foremost responsibility.

Imtiyaz Ahmed Bhat

Gulbagh Parimpora Srinagar



Repair lane in Karan Nagar area

I would like to bring to the notice of concerned authorities the condition of our road.

We are facing significant hardships due to the unrepaired lanes. When it rains, water accumulates in the potholes, making it impossible for us to walk. Moreover, this water also causes substantial damage to our business inventory.

We have been requesting the authorities to repair this lane for several months, but our pleas have been ignored. The negligence of the concerned authorities has led to our suffering.

Once again, we earnestly request the authorities to take action and repair the lane behind Gupta Hotel in Karan Nagar.

Towsheeq Lateef Bhat

Local businessman



Address the grievance of Rehbar-e-Khel teachers

We, the Rehbar-e-Khel teachers, have been serving on a scanty remuneration of Rs 3,000 per month, with the hope that the Government would enhance the same and regularise our position, as planned and promised by the authorities. Equipped with substantial rather pre-eminent Degrees (PG, MPhil, and in some cases, PhD), we have been contributing our breath and sweat to the department with devotion. We shouldered the responsibilities and performed our academic, examination, and election duties even in unfavourable circumstances with the hope to overcome our misery. Ironically all our toil and dedication do not fetch our respective families, even daily meals. Despite a high-level committee constituted by the government to consider our demands, the committee has not gone beyond their usual comforts and conveniences.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that the period of all Rehbar schemes was fixed for five years. However, the period of the Rehbar e Khel scheme was fixed for seven years. We demand to minimize our probation period equivalent to Rehbar e Taleem, Rehbar Zairat, and Rehbar e Junglat employees thus making a binding arbitration avoidable.

Furthermore, even after completing 7 months, we came to know that GAD is working on an early memo which unfortunately leads us to an inevitable sit-in protest against this injustice, over the last 39 days. We are committed to continuing this protest until justice is imparted. We once again appeal to the authorities to open the dialogue window and initiate the already promised regularisation process.

Given the facts mentioned above, it is requested to resolve our problem expeditiously, by decreasing the probation period from seven years to five years, increasing salary to the extent of basic pay for the post, and also make a policy for immediate regularisation of Rehbar-e-Khel teachers so that our worries and anxieties are set at rest.

Syed Aijaz Ul Haq

REK teacher and PhD Scholar

Reimburse PMSSS scholarships

With due reverence we the students studying under PMSSS want to state that all the beneficiaries of the PMSSS scholarship are facing hardships due to delays in the payment of their maintenance allowances from the concerned department. The last instalments of scholarships have been received by the students some five to six months back. Most of us reached out to the PMSSS Cell regarding this issue but their reply to the grievances and calls is really disappointing as they tell us that there is non-availability of funds.

On the one hand in the advertisements of PMSSS, the department mentions that maintenance allowance to the students will be disbursed on a monthly basis that is in 10 equal instalments on a monthly basis, but on the other hand, students have not got maintenance allowances for months.

As all of us are aware that in PMSSS those students are selected who are from a disadvantaged background, unprivileged, and poor families, therefore for them to survive out of home in different states of the country without scholarships for so long is impossible. These students are on the verge of quitting their studies just because they are not able to meet their expenses like rent, food, etc. We request the concerned authorities to redress our issue at the earliest on humanitarian grounds.

PMSSS Students



Dilapidated road at Mominabad in Batamaloo needs attention

We, the residents of Lane No. 8, Mominabad near the Lower Court in Batamaloo, have been enduring a dreadful life because of the pathetic condition of our road.

Our lane is plagued by enormous potholes scattered everywhere, making it extremely challenging for us to walk, especially during rainfall. This situation poses a significant inconvenience everyone, particularly for children and elderly individuals attempting to traverse the lane. It is crucial to note that our lane is merely a few yards away from the esteemed court.

We kindly request the authorities to address this matter urgently and take necessary actions to resolve the issue promptly.


Lane No 8, Mominabad, Batamaloo near Lower Court



Kiyar Government High School building in shambles

Government High School building in Kiyar Village area of Pyt Chichha Tehsil Dachhan in Zone Marwah district in Kishtwar is in deplorable condition. However, the concerned authorities remain unmoved to get the building constructed thus putting the lives of the students at stake. The parents of the students studying in this school approached concerned authorities several times but no action has been taken till now. There are four rooms in the school building and all are in poor condition, posing serious danger. We once again appeal to the administration to take note of the situation and renovate the building as soon as possible.

Local residents

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