Designing an entrepreneurial journey

Afifa Makhdoomi, a young graphic designer from Srinagar moved beyond brush and canvas to start her entrepreneurial journey in textile designing.

She is using textile, thread, and needle to create beautiful art pieces on hoop-like rings through her endeavor called ‘Round Hoop’.


Afifa has done her Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from Kashmir University and PG in Graphic Designing from Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi.

Afifa says that she desires to pursue out-of-box art and is working hard on it.

“From childhood, I was very much into art, be it painting or calligraphy. In a family full of people associated with medical science and engineering, I always wanted to do something different which I was passionate about. This led me to take admission in Kashmir University’s fine arts department.”

“I did my master’s in Graphic designing. Studying what I was passionate about chiseled and improved my art. I was already into calligraphy but I wanted to do something which is very rare in Kashmir. This is how I started my textile designing through my ‘Round hoop’ project,” Afifa said.

When the whole world was going through COVID in 2020 and Afifa was sitting home after finishing her degree, she thought of creating memories through her textile art. She started making various designs of calligraphic, floral art, and other contemporary art on the pieces of cloth.

“One of my friends suggested that I should use social media to connect to people and showcase my art. I opened my Instagram page with the name ‘Round Hoop’ and started posting pictures of my art pieces. Soon people came forward and started placing orders,” she said.

Afifa is designing art pieces by using special textiles, needles, and thread to create unique pieces of textile art.

It includes gift art pieces for couples, wedding gifts, customized names, calligraphy made from thread, home decor, and other designs. She is also making images of birds, animals as per the request of her clients.

“I received an overwhelming response and soon people started ordering art pieces for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, home décor, and for other occasions. At times I made art pieces for my own studio but customers insisted on buying them.”

“Calligraphy on canvas has emerged in the past few years and people are buying it with passion. As I started creating these art pieces made by a needle, it was something new for people and people took no time to order from me,” she said.

Afifa started her journey as a part-time job but with a good response, she is turning it into a full-fledged entrepreneurship journey.

She said that she keeps challenging herself and adding new designs on the demand of customers.

Afifa is now working on developing a website for her endeavor so that people can connect with a single click and can place orders easily. As she keeps her journey in textile art going, she is introducing calligraphic art into textiles to make them more attractive.

“I have not let go any of art form. I am continuously learning and experimenting with new things. I have participated in many international competitions of art and won many awards. I believe that if one is passionate about something, her art will be noticed and acknowledged,” she added.

Afifa says that through social media, every type of art form will get its audience if the art is authentic and done with professionalism.

She says that beyond government job and investing huge money in business, Social media and art is helping youngsters to earn with zero or little investment.

“It is not necessary that one will only go for a government job or be an engineer or doctor. Our creator has created us with unique capabilities.”

” It is only a matter of exploring what one is good at and starting your journey accordingly. One will face challenges while doing out-of-box thongs but when you are passionate about it everything will fall in place eventually. I thank my family, friends, and teachers who supported me on every stage and encouraged me,” she said.

Afifa says that it has been an emotional journey for her to create memories by using simple materials like needles and thread. She says that it allows her to follow her passion, make people happy, and at the same time be financially stable.

“I found out that from my childhood I was passionate about my art. I accordingly perused my academics. It helped me to be a good artist and to be a professional. I believed that one should use his academics to enhance his passion rather than going ahead for the sake of attaining a degree. A degree should make you best in what you do, that is the whole idea of education,” she says.

Artists like Afifa are using new techniques to present their art. With help of social media, they are turning their passion into a profession and paving a new way for budding artists.

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