Dilapidated roads take toll on commuters in Srinagar

Aman Farooq/ GK

Srinagar, Mar 19:  Commuters have expressed resentment over the failure of authorities to undertake repairs of dilapidated roads in various areas of the summer capital.

They said the dilapidated roads hamper traffic movement and also pose a risk of accidents. Roads in Downtown areas particularly Nowpora, Khanyar, Bohri Kadal, Nawab Bazar, Hawal, and adjoining areas are in the worst condition.


“While Srinagar’s aesthetic beauty has seen significant investment, the dismal state of our roads remains unchanged. We are facing huge issues while commuting and it has damaged our vehicles,” said Majid Ahmad, a local from Downtown.

Residents attribute the bad condition of roads to the failure of authorities to fix roads quickly after completing drainage projects. “Several roads have been dug up in Downtown, however despite passing of a long time haven’t been fixed. Commuting has become a tormenting task, and traffic jams add to the mess. There is no discipline when it comes to executing these projects. Caved-in roads across Downtown caused many accidents but authorities are unmoved,” Arshid Ahmad, a commuter said.

The locals said that with dusty roads in summer and waterlogged roads during rain, the plight of both locals and commuters gets worse. Locals said that in the uptown area, many developmental projects are ongoing, and the roads are in a bad state.

Locals of Hazratbal said that they are facing huge issues due to bad roads. They said road stretches at Batapora and Chatrahama are in shambles, with authorities looking the other way.

“A few days back, locals took it upon themselves to fill the potholes of Chatrahama-Hazratbal road. Such is the situation in Srinagar. We hope that authorities will ensure that roads are fixed without further delay,” said a local from Chatrahama Hazratbal.

An official from SMC’s City Roads said that they had made a comprehensive plan to ensure that each area is covered.

“We have made the plan of all the roads falling under SMC. We have kept many roads in Downtown and other areas on the priority list. Once those plans are approved, we will proceed with tendering and other processes,” said the official.

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