NC, PDP betrayed Kashmiris, killed innocent people for power: DPAP

Srinagar, Apr 28: Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) leaders today alleged that National Conference and PDP betrayed Kashmiris and killed innocent people for power.

According to a press note, they were addressing public gathering at the Eidgah area of Srinagar. The gathering was addressed by DPAP candidate for Srinagar parliamentary constituency, Amir Bhat, Chief Spokesperson Salman Nizami, and General Secretary Province Shafiq Shabnam


Nizami urged the voters to throw their support behind DPAP candidate Amir Bhatt in the Lok Sabha elections. He denounced the oppressive tactics employed by the National Conference (NC) and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), including the use of pellets and the Public Safety Act (PSA) against Kashmiris. He lambasted their alliances with the BJP, citing betrayal of Kashmiri interests. He said, “Both the NC and PDP were complicit in alliances with the BJP, perpetuating oppression against Kashmiris. Accusations of being a ‘B or C team’ ring hollow in the face of their own history. It was they who wielded the instruments of brutality – pellets, bullets, and draconian laws like PSA, POTA, STF, and Task Force. In Parliament, Ghulam Nabi Azad stood as a stalwart defender of Kashmiri rights, steadfastly opposing moves like the revocation of Article 370 and 35A.”

Amir Bhatt, the DPAP candidate, pledged to champion the concerns of Kashmiris in the highest echelons of power. Drawing inspiration from the legacy of Chairman DPAP Ghulam Nabi Azad, Bhatt vowed to advocate tirelessly for justice, equality, and prosperity for all Kashmiris. He reiterated his vow to the youth of Kashmir, emphasising his determination to tackle unemployment by creating job opportunities and to secure the release of those unjustly detained under the NC and PDP. He condemned the imprisonment of innocent individuals on fabricated charges and affirmed DPAP’s commitment to advocating for their rights in Parliament.

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