Cyber Police arrest 4 persons for circulating obscene content on social media

Srinagar, May 30: The Cyber Police of Kashmir has arrested four individuals involved in two separate cases of circulating obscene content and harassment on social media.

The arrests underscore the increasing vigilance of law enforcement agencies in tackling the surge in cyber offenses in Kashmir.


Cyber Police said in the first case, Sheikh Muqadas Rafiq, a resident of Srinagar’s Gulab Bagh area, was apprehended for allegedly circulating obscene content on social media platforms. The explicit nature of the content raised the alarm and prompted immediate intervention by the cyber police.

In the second case, it said a trio comprising Junaid Hussain of Sonwar, Iflah Mir of Bagh-e-Mehtab, and Naveed Mir of Pampore was arrested. “These individuals were reportedly involved in a coordinated effort to harass individuals online, adding to the growing concern over digital safety and privacy in the valley,” it said.

The Cyber Police’s proactive measures were emphasised in their official statement on X (formerly Twitter). “We are committed to ensuring the safety and dignity of all individuals and will continue to combat cybercrimes rigorously.” This assertion reflects the broader commitment of Kashmir’s law enforcement agencies to protect residents from the evolving threats posed by digital platforms.

The arrests came against the backdrop of a marked rise in cyber-crimes in Kashmir. With increased internet penetration and the proliferation of smartphones, Kashmir has witnessed a corresponding uptick in online offenses. These range from financial frauds and phishing scams to more insidious crimes like cyberbullying, harassment, and the distribution of explicit material.

While law enforcement continues to adapt to the digital landscape, there is also a pressing need for public education on cyber safety. Individuals are often the first line of defense against cybercrimes. Awareness campaigns focusing on secure online practices, recognising phishing attempts, and safeguarding personal information are crucial.

Schools, colleges, and community organizations are being engaged to disseminate information on safe internet usage. This holistic approach aims to build a digitally literate society that can navigate the online world securely.

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