Head Constable killed in Doda road accident

Srinagar, June 10: A head constable of Jammu and Kashmir Police lost his life in a road accident in Doda district.

A police official told Srinagar based news agency Kashmir Scroll that on Sunday evening around 10.30pm an s-presso car bearing registration no. JK06-8742 coming from Jammu towards Doda, met with an accident near Assar and rolled down about 800-900 meter from highway.


He said that Ram Raj son of Amar Chand resident of Paryote Doda who was head constable in J&K Police died in the accident.

He said that after getting information volunteers of Al-Khair Organisation and J&K Police rushed to the spot and started searching of missing persons, however after three hours of search operation a body was found stuck on sloppy rock, around 2.30 am rescue operation was called off due to high risk for rescuers at that time.

He added that today morning at 5.30 am the rescue operation was restarted and the body was rescued after a successful operation conducted by Volunteers of Al-Khair Organisation, Police and SDRF Doda.

Meanwhile police have taken cognizance and started investigation.

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