Post-normal times: Understanding and navigating the times

The era which we are living in is an era of ‘posts’. We have a ‘post-truth era’, ‘post-colonial’ era, ‘post-modern era’ ‘era of post-humanism’ and of late we have been acquainted by Ziauddin Sardar; a polymath’ with an era of ‘post-normal times’ (PNT).  This concept of ‘PNT’ is akin to Alvin Toffler’s idea of ‘future shock.’


In this era of transition, transformation, development and rapid change nothing seems and sounds normal. Everything looks complex, chaotic and slippery in every which way. In recent years, the world has experienced an era of huge and stunning transformation with an influx of technological revolution and globalization. This has lead to huge transition and transformation in everything. It is pertinent to quote Alvin Toffler who pertinently says, “A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This brings with it new family styles; changed ways of working, loving and living; a new economy; new political conflicts; and beyond all this an altered consciousness as well. Millions are already attuning their lives to the rhythms of tomorrow.”

Post-Normal Times are often characterized by unpredictability, complexity, and rapid change. These times reflect a departure from the stability and predictability of the past. The concept, first introduced by Ziauddin Sardar, captures the essence of a world where traditional norms and assumptions no longer stand firm, and uncertainty prevails everywhere. In this era, traditional norms and established paradigms no longer hold sway. Consequently, it leads to a pervasive sense of uncertainty and ambiguity.

Ziauddin Sardar describes ‘post-normal times’ as an in-between period where old orthodoxies are dying, new ones are yet to be born, and very few things seem to make sense. Post-normal times (PNT) refer to a period where the old certainty, stability, predictability, and linear progress—have given way to a reality marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). In this context, traditional methods of understanding and managing social, economic, and political systems are increasingly inadequate. In this era, even relationships have been jolted and dashed. There is no emotion and proximity left in the ecosystem of relationships these days.


Volatility: Rapid and unexpected changes in various domains, from technology to geopolitics, make long-term planning challenging. Events such as the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic exemplify this volatility, disrupting economies and societies on a massive scale.

Uncertainty: The future has become more unpredictable. The pace of technological innovation, environmental changes, and shifting political landscapes contribute to an environment where certainty is scarce.

Ambiguity: In post-normal times, information is often incomplete or contradictory, making decision-making more challenging. Differing perspectives and interpretations add layers of confusion, leading to a situation where clear answers are rare.

Complexity: Post-normal times and Issues are interconnected and thereby characterized by complexity. This interconnected nature makes it challenging for us humans to isolate individual problems or find straightforward solutions. For instance, issues like climate change, economic instability, and political upheaval are interrelated in ways that defy simple analysis and simplistic solutions.


The implications of living in post-normal times are profound, affecting individuals, organizations, and governments alike. Here are some key areas impacted by this new reality:

Governance and Policy: Traditional models of governance are being challenged by the need for more adaptive, flexible, and responsive policies. Governments must navigate a landscape where old rules no longer apply, requiring innovative approaches to regulation and public administration.

Economy and Business: Businesses face unprecedented challenges in planning and strategy. Agility and resilience have become crucial traits for companies looking to survive and thrive in an unpredictable market. The gig economy and the rise of remote work are examples of how businesses are adapting to new realities.

Technology and Innovation: Technological advancements are both a driver of post-normal times and a potential solution. Innovations such as artificial intelligence block chain and biotechnology hold promise for addressing some of the complexities and uncertainties, though they also introduce new ethical and regulatory challenges.

Social Dynamics: The fabric of society is being reshaped by these changes. Social norms, cultural values, and community structures are evolving, with increased polarization and diverse perspectives becoming more common. Social media and digital communication play a significant role in this transformation, influencing public opinion and behavior.


In order to navigate post-normal times, individuals, organizations, and governments must adopt new strategies and mindsets in order to embrace the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’ advocated by Charles Darwin.

Flexibility and Resilience: Embracing change and building resilience is crucial. This includes developing adaptable policies and fostering a culture of innovation.

Collaboration: Solving complex problems requires collaborative efforts across sectors and borders. Partnerships between governments, businesses, and civil society are essential.

Foresight: Developing the ability to anticipate and prepare for future scenarios is vital. This involves investing in research, education, and scenario planning or doing SWOT analysis before hand

Ethical Considerations: As technological and scientific advancements accelerate, ensuring ethical standards and addressing moral implications are critical.

Climate Change Initiatives: The Paris Agreement and subsequent climate actions demonstrate the necessity of global cooperation and the complexities involved in addressing environmental issues.

Technological Disruption: The rise of AI and automation is transforming industries and labor markets, raising questions about future employment and ethical use of technology.

Post-normal times present unprecedented challenges. By recognizing the nature of this era and adopting adaptive, collaborative, and ethical approaches, society can navigate the uncertainties and complexities ahead. Embracing the unpredictability of post-normal times is not merely about survival but about thriving in a world where change is the only constant.

Postscript: Did we come here to laugh or cry? Are we dying or being born. Carlos Fuentes

BY Dr. Bilal Ahmad Dar, English Lecturer.

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