What’s New in Computational Chemistry?

Computational chemistry plays a crucial role in modern times for deriving fundamental knowledge on various chemical aspects related to practical day-to-day problems, such as understanding the technicalities of chemical analysis, which includes Information regarding the properties of molecules or simulated experimental results defined for solving practical chemical problems.

The field of computational chemistry makes use of several different computer programs, including Gaussian, Schrodinger, ORCA etc. that can simulate complex chemical issues by doing extensive mathematical computations and extensive research analysis.


Countless real-world contexts have inspired a wide variety of practical applications for computational chemistry. Most calculations in physical chemistry, for instance, are based on the Schrodinger equation.

Electronic structure determinations, geometry optimizations, etc., become incredibly difficult to calculate precisely. Many real-world challenges have tractable answers thanks to computational chemistry.

Docking a proposed drug into the active site of an enzyme is one example of how computational chemistry is utilized in the pharmaceutical industry to investigate drug-biomolecule interactions.

Materials scientists use it to learn more about the composition and behavior of solids (like plastics) and chemical engineers use it to learn more about catalysis in processes of practical and theoretical relevance.

Ab-initio methods based on quantum mechanics attempt the rigorous and non-empirical evaluation of various terms used and are one of the two approaches implied in computational chemistry.

The other branch, semi-empirical approaches, avoids even attempting the assessment of the integrals involved; instead, they are replaced by approximations.

The Schrodinger equation, the values of the fundamental constants, and the atomic numbers of the constituent atoms are all that are needed to calculate molecular structures using the ab-initio technique group.

In a similar vein, semi-empirical methods feed mathematical models with approximations based on experimental data. Ultimately, the role of each of these in solving computational chemistry issues is endlessly many and one cannot be realized without the presence of the other.

There are many drawbacks to using computational chemistry, though. Ab-initio method albeit is commonly utilized for a broad range of systems; yet, It does not depend on experimental data and provides pre-determined findings in calculating transition and excited state.

On the other hand, semi-empirical approaches are less rigorous and computationally less demanding than ab-initio, being simple and rudimentary to apply.

Recently, a third way for understanding the basis of computational chemistry is being followed through molecular mechanics and Machine learning as it may be described as the quickest mode of computing and region-specifically employed for molecules as large as enzymes.

Having skills for tackling numerous challenges connected to conventional ways, may be highly beneficial for obtaining indeterminate achievements in the field of computational chemistry soon.

The capacity to display complex analyses in an easily understandable manner is a barrier for research analysts, but recent advancements in computer visualization skills have made it possible for computational professionals to draw realistic conclusions acquired from experimental results.

No matter the field, whether it’s the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, chemistry, or bioinformatics, getting the job done requires a lot of computations and other computer processes.

Undoubtedly, the digital computer is the tool of the “computational chemist,” and workers in the field have taken advantage of this progress to develop and apply new theoretical methodologies at an equally astonishing pace, with the hope that this will be accomplished soon through the practice of “computational chemistry”.

Dr Nasarul Islam, Assistant Professor (Chemistry), HKM-Govt Degree College Bandiporaa

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