A democratic victory only possible in India

The recent elections in North Kashmir have brought some unexpected voting patterns, particularly the remarkable support for Er Rasheed. Despite being imprisoned, Er Rasheed participated in the electoral process, which reveals the strength of democracy and the rule of law. The transparent elections, conducted without any illegitimate intervention made the process effective and reaffirmed public faith in the institutions.

This victory of Er Rasheed from the North Kashmir constituency in the recently concluded parliamentary elections has been widely debated across the country. This attention is not merely because he managed to defeat the former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and the aspiring CM and chairman People’s Conference Sajad Lone, but also due to the remarkable fact that Er Rasheed fought this electoral battle from jail.


The electoral exercise allowed Er Rasheed to manage a significant number of votes. The high voter turnout in favour of Er Rasheed may be due to various factors, including it being the first election post-abrogation, allowing the people to come out and express their political right. Now, the public has supported Er Rasheed with high expectations. They seek a fair decision for their people and want Er Rasheed to be given a chance to represent them in parliament. The people who came out in support of Er Rasheed, with a strong belief in democratic values and constitutional rights, thus deserve to be respected. Despite being imprisoned, Er Rasheed’s decision to participate in the elections highlights his faith in the country’s electoral process. This same faith has been demonstrated by the people of North Kashmir, whose enthusiastic turnout at the polls serves as a testament to the resilience of democracy. Therefore, Er Rasheed’s victory should be seen not only as the triumph of an individual but also as a testament to the strength and integrity of the electoral process itself.

Beyond examining the factors that led to Er Rasheed’s victory, it is crucial to emphasize the broader significance of this moment. This election saw a remarkable turnout, with people coming out in large numbers to exercise their political rights. This enthusiastic participation is particularly noteworthy as it marks the first election since the abrogation of Article 370. The high voter turnout reflects not only a deep-seated belief in the democratic process but also a collective desire to engage with the political future of the region in a new era. Rather than focusing solely on the strategies and circumstances behind Er Rasheed’s victory, this resurgence of public engagement should be celebrated as a powerful statement of the people’s resilience and commitment to shaping their own destiny in a rapidly changing political landscape.

In this context, those who have shown faith in the electoral system must be given a chance of representation. Er Rasheed should view this opportunity as the best time to serve his people as a member of parliament. His victory represents a broader public desire for meaningful representation and engagement in the political process. This renewed faith in the electoral process will help build a concrete consensus in democracy, reinforcing the idea that every vote and every voice matters in shaping the future of the region.

This is the opportune moment for Er Rasheed to build his political career within the new political spectrum of Kashmir. As he embarks on this journey, he must align himself with the mandates set forth by the constitution. Understanding prevalent situation and respecting the institutions that have granted him this opportunity as a citizen are crucial for his success. Er Rasheed is seen as the voice of many who expect him to deliver not just on sentiments but on tangible outcomes such as development, peace, and prosperity.

Er Rasheed’s role extends beyond mere representation; he must address people in all spares of development. This perspective underscores the complexity of voter motivations, which encompass a desire for both practical progress and symbolic reassurance.

By focusing on these dual aspects, Er Rasheed has the chance to bridge gaps, build trust, and drive meaningful change. It is through this balanced approach that he can truly fulfil the hopes placed in him and contribute to the evolving political landscape of Kashmir.

Er Rasheed’s victory is a clear indication that democracy is functioning effectively in India, allowing for diverse voices and perspectives to be heard. His support base includes those who had never voted before and had previously boycotted the electoral process. This diverse coalition highlights the democratic spirit of inclusivity and the importance of giving a platform to all segments of society.

As we reflect on the significance of this election, it becomes evident that Er Rasheed’s triumph is more than a personal achievement—it is a testament to the resilience of democracy and the potential for positive change. His success serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that the democratic process remains a vital and dynamic force for representation and progress. By acknowledging the broader implications of this victory, we embrace the ideals of a robust democracy that values every voice and strives for a future where all citizens can contribute to the nation’s development.

Er Rasheed’s election is a powerful reminder that democracy thrives on the engagement of its people and that every election is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to democratic values and collective progress. At the end of the day, it is India where the law is first, showcasing the power of democracy and judiciary, in stark contrast to countries where the rule of law is a mere joke

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