Traffic movement on highway

Due to snowfall, landslides and shooting stones in winter, the Srinagar-Jammu National Highway gets blocked sometimes. The road connectivity gets snapped. Hundreds of vehicles get stranded along the highway and supply of essential commodities and other items to Kashmir gets affected.

The highway blockade gives rise to hoarding and profiteering here. Since no major snowfall occurred till now in this winter, there were no major disruptions in the traffic movement on the highway.


Senior officers during a recent meeting revealed that this winter the highway remained closed for just eight hours in total as against 220 hours in the previous winter. Favourable weather conditions and good traffic management made it possible.

But there is no need to be complacent since winter is yet to end and the rainy month of March is to follow. All measures must be in place to ensure uninterrupted traffic movement in coming months also.

The concerned officials should be ready with men and machinery in case the weather condition turns hostile and major snowfall occurs.

Uninterrupted traffic movement is very important on Srinagar-Jammu highway as it is the only all weather road link between Kashmir and rest of the country.

According to officials, to ensure movement of traffic on both the sides of the Highway the T5 tunnel would be dedicated to public on March 15 and Jaiswal bridge on February 15 this year.

Chief Secretary Dr Arun Kumar Mehta during a meeting with officers recently directed them to ensure that there is smooth movement of traffic on the highway during the winter. Dr Mehta stressed on minimising disruptions and ensuring that traffic movement remains uninterrupted throughout the year.

Smooth traffic management is very important on the highway throughout the year, especially during the fruit harvesting seasons in Kashmir and the export of fruits to markets outside. Last year there were some problems during that period.

These problems have to be avoided. A mechanism has to be developed in advance and planning done accordingly so that the problems do not re-occur. Focus should be also on proper maintenance of Mughal Road during summer.

There are reports that condition of the road is not that good at some places. If the reports are correct, then the measures should be taken to do repair work on the road, wherever needed.

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