Batamaloo traders jubilant over new railway line

Srinagar, Feb 21: Batamaloo Traders Association joyously welcomed the inauguration of the new railway line connecting Jammu and Kashmir.

President, BTA, Peer Imtiyaz said that the association expressed heartfelt gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for spearheading this major infrastructure project.


Imtiyaz described the railway as a “monumental step” that signifies much more than just connectivity. They stated that the railway line empowers local businesses, enables progress, and unlocks endless economic possibilities for Kashmir.

“The railway will facilitate smoother transportation logistics and expand market access for local businesses. There is an air of optimism that this infrastructure marvel ushers in a new era of prosperity for the community.”

Imtiyaz said that beyond commerce, the railway line is also set to boost Kashmir’s tourism industry. “Easier access to picturesque landscapes and heritage sites is expected to attract more visitors from across India and overseas.”

The association conveyed their deepest gratitude to the central government for undertaking this project of immense economic and social significance. They reiterated that the railway line will uplift trade, travel, and tourism in J&K.

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