ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE ROW | Revoke order, demands Teachers’ Association

Decrying the order issued by the District Development Commissioner, Kishtwar, which made it mandatory for teachers to get ‘attendance certificates’ before their salary is released, the Teachers’ Association Tuesday demanded the order to be revoked.

Pertinently, on June 14, the DDC Kishtwar, Angrez SinghRana, issued an order, wherein it was stated that all teachers need to get an’attendance certificate’ duly signed by the local Sarpanch and ten parents ofthe school they have been posted in before their salary is released.


On Tuesday, the members of Teachers’ Association met theChief Education Officer, Kishtwar. During the meeting, the delegation decriedthe order while claiming it to be “insulting”.

“Besides, the order has undermined and nullified the role ofcontrolling officers like CEO, ZEOs, Principals and Headmasters,” thedelegation claimed.

Demanding immediate revocation of the order, the members ofthe delegation warned that they would go on mass leave if their demand is notfulfilled.

The CEO heard the delegation patiently and assured that thematter would be submitted to the higher authorities.

The delegation comprised of Ramesh Kumar, district PresidentJ&K Lecturer Forum, Tanvir Ahmad Malik, President ERTU Kishtwar, SatyaBhushan Sharma, President All J&K Ladakh Teachers Federation, Rajesh KumarParihar, President JKMF Kishtwar, Tahir Masood, district President JKReTTF andMuhammad Hafeez.

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