Chattabal residents stage protest against installation of Smart Meters

Srinagar: Residents of Chattabal area here staged a protest against installation of Smart Meters today. 

The residents gathered at the main road of the area and chanted slogans to mark their protest. The protestors said that following the previous protest, the officials cut off their electricity.  They said.


“We are poor and don’t earn enough to pay exorbitant power bills. We want authorities to roll back the Smart Meter policy and give us respite,” said a female protester.

 The protestors blocked the road and set up cooking stations on the road to mark their protest. The traffic was hampered for hours.

“We don’t have any electricity. This is the reason that we are cooking on firewood in the middle of the road. I have eight daughters, and the lone male member of my family is facing health issues. In such circumstances, how are we going to pay exorbitant bills generated by Smart Meters,” said another protestor.

Meanwhile, the commuters said that they are having a tough time as Srinagar has been witnessing multiple protests against Smart Meters lately. Many commuters carrying patients were seen arguing with the protestors over blockade of the road. “We have a patient in the vehicle and we are stuck here. It is unfortunate that the government is acting mute spectators to the issue as everyone is suffering,” said a commuter.

The aggrieved protesters said that amid a hike in cooking gas prices and other commodities, they are unable to make ends meet. They said such schemes are burdening the common people and the government should roll back the move.

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