Dilapidated link road at Nowhatta irks commuters

Srinagar: Dilapidated interior road link connecting Nowhatta to the revered shrine of Makhdoom Sahab (RA) has become a matter of concern for residents and commuters in the area.

The bad state of this crucial road is not only causing inconvenience but also posing significant safety risks to those who rely on it for daily travel.


The road serves as a vital transportation artery for both local residents and devotees heading to the Makhdoom Sahib (RA) Shrine. However, it is dotted with potholes, cracks, and a generally uneven surface, making travel a bumpy and challenging experience. The worsening condition of the road has raised valid safety concerns, with the road becoming accident-prone and leading to vehicular breakdowns.

Local residents have not stayed silent on this matter, and their grievances have grown louder, with pleas to authorities to take swift action to repair and upgrade this crucial road.

For many, this road is not just a means of transportation but a spiritual path leading to the revered shrine. Bashir Ahmad, a local resident, expressed his frustration, saying, “on paper, they are showing us a smart city, but look at this road,” as he pointed towards a substantial pothole. Many in the community echo his sentiment.

Local shopkeepers and businesses in the vicinity have also suffered the consequences of the road’s deteriorating condition, reporting a noticeable decline in visitors. This decline has had a direct impact on their livelihoods and the local economy. Moreover, the dilapidated road presents an image of neglect and indifference that does not befit the significance of the shrine.

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