Khanyar residents decry slow pace of drainage construction

Srinagar, Dec 19: Residents of Khanyar locality in Downtown have expressed resentment over slow pace of drainage construction in the area.

A delegation from the area said the entire stretch of road from Khanyar Chowk to Dastgeer Sahib (RA) has been dug up. “The drainage is haphazardly with muck and pipes dumped on main road. This has hindered smooth vehicular movement and caused traffic jams on the busy road leading to the Downtown area,” they said.


They said the road stretch where the drainage pipes have been laid, has been filled haphazardly. “Even pedestrians find it difficult to move on the uneven surface. Many vehicles have been damaged after skidding into the open drain. We urge Deputy Commissioner Srinagar to directed the concerned department to expedite construction of the drain and ensure that the road is properly filled up to enable smooth vehicular movement,” they said.

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