Water foggers provide relief from scorching heat during Muharram processions

Srinagar, July 11: In preparation for the Muharram processions, a dedicated team from a local group at Alamgari Bazar, has installed water foggers along a 400-meter span. These foggers are designed to provide relief to participants during the hot and crowded processions.

Asif Ali Bhat, chairman, of a local committee named “Lashkar-e-Mehdi (ajtf) Mohalla Ganie Doori, Alamgari Bazar”, shared the motivation behind the installation “Muharram processions are a significant event in our community. We wanted to ensure the comfort of all attendees, especially given the large crowds and the heat. These water foggers will help keep everyone cool,” he said.


The system is comprehensive and well-maintained. It includes a water motor, a pressure pump, and a water tank. For an added touch of comfort, rose water is used in the foggers to provide a pleasant fragrance. This not only cools the air but also enhances the overall experience for participants.

A local shopkeeper Imtiyaz Ahmad, who has witnessed the preparations, expressed his appreciation: “It’s a great initiative. The heat during Muharram can be intense, and the foggers will make a big difference. The rose water fragrance is a thoughtful addition that shows the committee’s dedication to the community,” he said.

The committee has ensured that everything is in place for smooth operation. They have a dedicated team responsible for maintaining the water foggers. This attention to detail highlights the committee’s commitment to providing a comfortable environment for those observing Muharram in honor of Imam Hussain (AS). The contribution is from the committee only and by no other means.

During the processions, these water foggers will continuously operate, offering much-needed relief to the participants. The initiative not only demonstrates the community’s spirit but also shows the lengths they are willing to go to honor their traditions and ensure the well-being of all attendees.

Asif Ali also emphasised the importance of such efforts: “In the name of Imam Hussain (AS), we strive to make the processions as comfortable as possible. This initiative is a small way to serve our community and honor our faith,” he added.

This thoughtful approach to ensuring the well-being of Muharram procession participants reflects the deep respect and dedication of the community. “It stands as a testament to the collective effort to honor their religious traditions while caring for one another.”

Aneesa a local resident said, “Seeing the water foggers set up for Muharram is truly heartening.” “It’s a thoughtful gesture from Lashkar-e-Mehdi that shows they care about our comfort during this important time. The rose water fragrance adds a special touch to the atmosphere, making the experience even more memorable,” she added.

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