Collective, Persistent Effort Needed

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report has brought to light a disturbing trend in Kashmir, where crimes against women have witnessed a worrying increase. The report reveals a surge in various offences, including domestic violence, abduction, acid attacks, and rape, painting a grim picture of the safety and security of women in Union Territory.

Despite a slight decrease from 3937 cases in 2021, it says that there is a notable increase in reported crimes against women, reaching 3716 cases in 2022. The statistics reveal a grim reality, shedding light on various forms of violence against the women folk.


A comprehensive look at the report demands immediate measures to prevent crimes against women in Kashmir. There is dire need of involving various stakeholders, including the government, law enforcement agencies, community organisations, and the general public.

Srinagar has emerged as the district with the highest number of crimes against women, surpassing nine other districts in the Kashmir. The overall statistics rank Srinagar at the top with 446 reported cases, followed closely by Jammu with 431 cases and Rajouri at the third position with 306 cases. Kulgam recorded 200 crimes against women, while Udhampur documented 145 cases during the year.

The report highlights various offences against women, including cases under section 498 (cruelty by husband or his relatives) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and IPC’s section 326A (voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of acid). Srinagar district leads in cruelty by husbands, kidnapping, abduction, and acid attacks as compared to Jammu. The data reveals 500 instances of cruelty by husbands and their relatives in Jammu and Kashmir, with Srinagar topping the list at 70 cases.

Shockingly, the valley witnessed two acid attacks on women in 2022, while no such cases were reported from Jammu. This raises concerns about the safety of women in Kashmir and the urgent need for preventive measures and stringent legal actions.

The NCRB report discloses a total of 886 cases of kidnapping and abduction of women throughout Jammu and Kashmir in 2022. Out of these, the valley witnessed 384 cases, with Srinagar and Jammu reporting 109 and 118 cases, respectively. The data underscores the vulnerability of women to crimes such as kidnapping and abduction.

In 2022, there were 287 reported cases of rape in Jammu and Kashmir. While 57 cases were reported in Jammu, 34 were reported in Rajouri, indicating a widespread issue that demands urgent attention. The report reveals that in 276 cases, the offenders were acquainted with the victims, emphasising the need for community awareness and education.

Despite a slight decrease from 3937 cases in 2021, the overall trend in crimes against women in Jammu and Kashmir is alarming. The recorded cases increased significantly from 3405 in 2020 to 3716 in 2022, highlighting the need for comprehensive strategies to address and prevent such crimes.

The NCRB report also outlines the legal aspects, including cases registered under sections like 304B (dowry deaths), 305 (abetment of suicide of a child or insane person), and 306 (abetment of suicide) of the IPC. Jammu and Kashmir registered nine cases of dowry deaths in 2022, drawing attention to the persisting societal issues that contribute to such tragedies.

The NCRB report for 2022 paints a distressing picture of the state of women’s safety in Jammu and Kashmir. Concerted efforts are needed to address the root causes, improve awareness, and ensure the safety and well-being of women in the Union Territory.

The report also underscores the importance of timely and effective disposal of cases to deliver justice to the victims and discourage perpetrators.

By combining various initiatives and actively engaging stakeholders, it is possible to create a safer environment for women in Kashmir and work towards eliminating crimes against them.

The cornerstone of any strategy to combat crimes against women is a robust law enforcement system. It is imperative to ensure prompt and effective investigations of reported cases. Increasing police presence and patrolling in vulnerable areas, along with establishing specialized units to handle crimes against women, can enhance the efficiency of law enforcement agencies in addressing these issues.

Engaging the community is crucial for building a safe and supportive environment for women. Conducting awareness campaigns in schools, colleges, and communities helps educate people about women’s rights and the legal consequences of crimes. Additionally, encouraging community members to actively participate in creating a safe environment and establishing neighbourhood watch programs enhances vigilance and community support.

Advocacy for stricter laws and penalties for crimes against women, along with the effective implementation of existing laws, is essential. Simultaneously, enhancing support services for victims, including counseling, legal aid, and medical assistance, helps survivors navigate the aftermath of such crimes. The establishment and promotion of helplines and support networks further contribute to a more responsive system.

Education plays a pivotal role in preventing crimes against women. Promoting education and skill development programs for women enhances their economic independence and empowers them to stand against exploitation. Encouraging women to be aware of their rights and empowering them to report crimes without fear of retaliation are key aspects of this initiative.

Leveraging technology, such as CCTV cameras to monitor public spaces and implementing mobile applications for reporting emergencies, can act as deterrents to potential offenders. This technological intervention not only enhances security but also facilitates quicker responses to incidents.

Education is not limited to women alone. Promoting gender sensitivity and equality through educational programs for men and boys is crucial. Encouraging men to actively support and advocate for the safety and rights of women creates a more inclusive and supportive society.

Implementing and enforcing workplace policies that ensure a safe and harassment-free environment for women contribute to a culture of respect. Conducting regular workshops and training sessions on gender sensitivity for employees fosters a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

Strengthening collaboration between government agencies and non-governmental organizations working on women’s rights is essential. Allocating resources and funding to support initiatives focused on preventing crimes against women ensures sustained efforts and impact.

Establishing dedicated fast-track courts to expedite legal proceedings related to crimes against women ensures timely justice, acting as a deterrent to potential offenders.

Initiatives to promote positive changes in societal attitudes towards women through cultural and media initiatives are crucial. Challenging stereotypes and norms that contribute to gender-based violence fosters a more respectful and inclusive society.

(The author is senior staffer Greater Kashmir)

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