My vote matters

This year, after a prolonged period of Governor’s rule, parliamentary elections are underway in Kashmir without boycott calls and threats for the first time. Kashmir’s electoral history has been contentious, with objections, boycott calls, threats, and killings, yet Kashmiris bravely sacrificed their lives to uphold democracy.

Today, the much-awaited political landscape has shifted from worse to better, from threat to peace, and Kashmiris are participating in the electoral process without fear or threat, exercising their fundamental right to vote. This transformation is remarkable, signifying a significant change in Kashmir’s circumstances. Keeping democratic faith alive, Kashmiris have gone through huge sacrifices. Thousands of political activists and party workers laid down their lives during past elections. Despite all odds and threats, Kashmiris stood firm for democracy.


Post-abrogation, restored peace demolished the Hartal culture, which had previously affected elections in Kashmir. Consequently, the right to vote was not properly and widely utilized during the last thirty years of turmoil, despite a sizable voter turnout. Governor’s rule played a crucial role in creating a smooth and favorable environment for elections in Kashmir, free from threats or boycott propaganda, overcoming a significant challenge. Through targeted outreach efforts, including voter awareness campaigns, community workshops, and digital initiatives, the Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) program seeks to empower citizens with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed decisions at the ballot box. By collaborating with local stakeholders, including civil society organizations and grassroots activists, SVEEP endeavors to overcome barriers to voter turnout and promote inclusive electoral practices in regions like Kashmir. Through initiatives like SVEEP, the Indian government has taken significant strides in recent years to promote voter participation and civic engagement in regions like Kashmir. SVEEP aims to educate voters about the importance of democratic participation, enhance voter registration processes, and foster a culture of electoral responsibility.

Greater participation, greater democracy. High voter turnout not only strengthens democracy but also empowers a common citizen by choosing the right representative of majoritarian. Moreover, voter participation serves as a powerful tool for amplifying Kashmiri voices on the national stage. By casting their ballots, Kashmiris assert their presence in the democratic process and demand recognition of their rights and aspirations. A robust voter turnout in Kashmir sends a clear signal to policymakers and government officials that the region’s residents are actively engaged in shaping their collective destiny and are unwilling to be marginalized or overlooked.

Furthermore, the government’s commitment to the development and uplift of Kashmir presents a promising opportunity to bolster voter engagement and participation. Investment in infrastructure, healthcare, education, and economic opportunities not only improves the quality of life for Kashmiri residents but also fosters a sense of trust and partnership between the government and the electorate.

By addressing long-standing grievances and delivering tangible benefits to communities, the government can cultivate a more conducive environment for political participation and civic engagement. As Kashmiris witness the positive impact of government initiatives on their daily lives, they may be more inclined to actively participate in the democratic process and exercise their right to vote.

Undoubtedly, the challenge is significant. Historical data reveals alarmingly low voter turnouts in past elections, underscoring the prevalent skepticism and disillusionment among Kashmiris towards the electoral process. In the 2014 Jammu and Kashmir state elections, for instance, the voter turnout stood at a mere 65%, well below the national average. Such figures underscore the urgent need for a paradigm shift in Kashmir’s political landscape. However, it is crucial for Kashmiris to recognize the power they hold in their hands and rise above historical apathy to effect meaningful change through their votes.

India, a country with deep roots and rich diversity, boasts the largest democracy in the world. The ability to choose your ruler through an election is a crucial component of a democratic society. Voting is the basic process that keeps a nation’s governmental system functioning. It enables citizens to select their own government and representatives. The purpose of every government is to develop and implement various policies for the benefit of its citizens. Voting also grants individuals the right to question the government about issues and seek clarifications. Voting is the means by which a citizen expresses their opinion in a democratic nation. On election day, voters not only choose their representatives for the next term but also decide on measures such as security issues that authorize the government to borrow funds for development projects and other advancements. Sometimes, voters also cast their ballots on social issues. We should give our vote to a deserving candidate, casting it for the most sensible representative.

Moreover, increased voter participation will not only empower Kashmiris but also pave the way for enhanced investment, improved infrastructure, and a stronger voice in national affairs. The upcoming election presents a pivotal opportunity for Kashmiris to transcend the limitations of the past and chart a new course towards democracy, progress, and prosperity.

The 2024 general election presents a pivotal opportunity for the people of Kashmir to chart a new course towards democracy and progress. By rejecting apathy and embracing their right to vote, Kashmiris can break free from the shackles of past injustices and usher in an era of inclusive governance and prosperity. It’s time for Kashmiris to seize the reins of their destiny and forge a future that is truly reflective of their aspirations and needs. The journey ahead may be challenging, but through collective action and unwavering determination, Kashmiris can build a brighter tomorrow for generations to come, where their voices are heard and their rights are respected.

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