Learning in Limbo | Kupwara school struggles for space, staff

Kupwara, June 2: Nestled in the serene heart of Rajwar, the Upper Primary School (UPS) Hamla Rajwar stands as a poignant testament to the challenges faced by rural education in Kupwara.

Despite the claims of the Education Department, UPS Hamla is plagued by a severe lack of teaching staff and accommodation, casting a long shadow over the promise of quality education.


The scene at UPS Hamla is one of stark contrast: bright faces eager to learn, juxtaposed with the grim reality of three teachers and two overcrowded classrooms for 130 students.

The teachers face the herculean task of managing nine classes a day, struggling to provide adequate attention and instruction.

The residents of Rajwar, their voices tinged with frustration and concern, revealed to Greater Kashmir the daily struggles their children endure.

“A total of 130 students from 10 classes crammed into two rooms mar the quality of education,” they said.

They alleged the authorities remain indifferent, watching silently as the situation deteriorates.

In the absence of adequate space, classes spill out into the open.

On clear days, lessons are conducted under the vast sky, a reprieve that turns into a nightmare during inclement weather, forcing all students to squeeze into the two available classrooms.

The lack of a proper learning environment not only hampers academic performance but also stifles the joy of learning.

Further compounding the issue, the school lacks basic amenities like fencing and a playground.

These deficiencies disrupt the smooth functioning of the school and deny the children essential spaces for safety and play.

The failure of the Education Department to address these pressing needs has left the local community deeply anguished.

Their repeated pleas for additional classrooms and better facilities have fallen on deaf ears, fostering a sense of neglect and despair.

“The school was upgraded a decade ago, but infrastructure development was never a priority for the authorities,” the residents said with a sense of resigned frustration.

Now, in a renewed plea for justice and support, the residents of Rajwar have turned to Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Handwara, Aziz Ahmad Rather.

They implore him to intervene and provide the much-needed infrastructure that can transform the educational experience at UPS Hamla.

“We hope that our voices will finally be heard and that the miseries of our children end,” they urged.

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