Workshop on Research Methodology for Bio-Medical Research concludes at GMC Srinagar

Srinagar: The 15th 3-day Basic Workshop on Research Methodology for Bio-Medical Research was organised by Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College Srinagar J&K from November 15 to 17.

The function was attended by faculty from GMC Srinagar, SKIMS Srinagar, SKIMS Medical College, Srinagar and College of Nursing, GMC Srinagar with in-house including Dr. S. Muhammad Salim Khan, Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Pandit, Dr. Inaamul Haq and Dr. Mariya Amin Qureshi and visiting faculty members including Dr. Ravendra Mohan Panday, ICMR Dr. AS Paintal Distinguished Scientist Chair, Dr. Shariq Rashid Masoodi, Professor of Endocrinology SKIMS Srinagar, Dr. Sonu Goel, Professor at Department of Community Medicine & School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh.


During three days extensive deliberations were made on Introduction to Research, Benefits and Challenges, Formulating Aim, Hypothesis, Research question, Objectives, Title, Review of Literature, Research Designs, Observational Studies RCTs, Randomisation, and Sample selection.

Questionnaire and Study Instrument, Approaching Grant Sanctioning Agencies and Writing a proposal for grants, Measurement and Variables, Sample size in Health Research, Descriptive and Inferential Statistics, Mendeley Reference Manager, Research Ethics, Develop and discuss a Research protocol, said Dr. S. Muhammad Salim Khan, professor and HOD, Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Srinagar. Quiz session was held among the participants.

The workshop was conducted under aegis of J&K Chapters of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine (IAPSM) and Indian Public Health Association (IPHA) with Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Pandit as organising chairman while Dr. Inaamul Haq, Dr. Mariya Amin Qurieshi and Dr. Malik Waseem Raja were Organising Secretaries.

The valedictory function was chaired by Prof. Masood Tanvir, principal and dean, Government Medical College, Srinagar who distributed certificates of participation to the participants and mementoes to the visiting faculty. While appreciating the efforts of Department of Community Medicine, GMC Srinagar in conducting the workshop in a sustained manner, Dr. Masood Tanvir said that such workshops enhance research acumen among the participants who shall further percolate it to younger researchers within their fields of pursuit. The workshop was accredited for 12 CME credit hours by JK Medical Council and observed by Dr. Suhail Ahmad, Professor of Physiology, GMC Srinagar and JK Medical Council Observer for GMC Srinagar.

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