All issues of DDCs resolved amicably: Government

District Development Council delegates today met the Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha here at Raj Bhavan.

The interaction was held in a pleasant and amicable atmosphere.


Reiterating J&K Government’s commitment to safeguarding the interests of DDC representatives, the Lt Governor observed that the three-tier Panchayati Raj system was established to empower the grass-root democracy.

“Now, the true democracy is flourishing in the UT, which is not merely about governance but feeling of fraternity, brotherhood and attitude of respect and reverence towards each other. We have to work together to meet the developmental aspirations of the people. The administration will ensure the three-tier Panchayati Raj system is strengthened in the UT,” the Lt Governor told the DDC members.

The delegation comprised of DDC Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons, and members including Bharat Bhushan, Saraf Singh Nag, Bari Andrabi, Irfan Panditpuri, Nuzhat Ishfaq, Tazeem Akhter, Malik Aftab, Juhi Manhas, Dr. Shamshad Shah, TS Tony, Shahnawaz, Suleman Mir and Riyaz Bhat.

BVR Subrahmanyam, Chief Secretary; Rohit Kansal, Principal Secretary, PDD and Information Department, and Sheetal Nanda, Secretary, Department of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj were also present during the interaction.

The DDC members called off their protests following assurance from the Lt Governor.

Chairperson, DDC Jammu, Bharat Bushan said they had a  fruitful discussion with the Lt Governor regarding their demands.

“The LG listened to our demands very carefully following which he directed the officials to redraft the warrant of precedence. The DDC chairpersons have been assured of Mayor status i.e. Minister of State,” said Bushan.

He said the protocol of DDC vice-chairpersons and members will also be upgraded.

“The DDC chairpersons and vice-chairpersons will get accommodations and their well furnished offices big enough to hold meetings. Besides, the DDC members will also be made part and parcel in District Development Councils and Planning Boards,” he added.

“We were assured of Constituency Development Funds. Our honorarium will be respectful.”

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