G20  Summit | Cyber Police Kashmir register FIR against rumour-mongers for peddling lies through ISD calls

Srinagar, Mar 19: Cyber Police Kashmir have filed a First Information Report (FIR) against rumour-mongers who are disseminating false information about the G20 meeting in Srinagar through ISD Calls. Many individuals complained of receiving calls from the United Kingdom opposing the G20’s Tourism Working Group meeting in Srinagar from May 22 to 24, despite heightened security throughout Kashmir to ensure immaculate security for the G20 summit in Srinagar.

“Numerous individuals reported receiving automated calls on their phones urging them to block the Srinagar International Airport and halt the G20 summit. We have taken cognisance and registered FIR and also issued an advisory to the people,” a senior Police official said.


According to Cyber Police, a case FIR 11/2023 of Police Station Cyber Crime Kashmir has been taken under consideration and an investigation has begun.

“Citizens are requested that all such calls may be reported to the Police. Cyber Police Kashmir have taken cognisance of this and investigations are going on,” Police said.

J&K Police also issued an advisory against a few suspicious international mobile numbers that are spreading rumours about the upcoming G20 summit in J&K.

People have been advised to remain cautious towards some suspicious telecommunications and not to respond to any of the following numbers +447520693559, +447418343648, +44 7520693134, +44 7418343648, or any ISD number and virtual numbers, which are spreading rumours regarding the upcoming G20 event.

Additional Director General of Police, Kashmir, Vijay Kumar said that these numbers were spreading anti-national messages and propaganda.

“So, people are requested to remain alert towards such attempts and not to respond to any such suspicious call,” he said. “People are requested to report all such calls to the Police. Cyber Police Kashmir has taken cognisance of this and investigations are underway.”

The ADGP Kashmir said that if any person has any grievance or query related to the matter, they should contact Cyber Police Stations in Kashmir or the nearest Police Station.

He said that on Thursday a few miscreants circulated certain stories and that Police would take action against them.

“There won’t be restrictions because it’s a public event, so everyone may go about their daily business as usual. To prevent any inconvenience to the people, we have also informed security personnel on the ground to ensure hassle-free movement.”

The third G20 tourism working group meeting, led by India, is ready to start in Srinagar.

The big event would be held in Srinagar from May 22 to 24.

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