Missing AMU scholars with travel history to UAE, Taiwan traced

The authorities have traced four Ph.D scholars who had fled Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) amid the quarantine period without informing the varsity administration.

Three scholars from North Kashmir’s Baramulla district hadtravel history to UAE, while the one from South Kashmir’s Anantnag had arrivedfrom Taiwan recently. An official said one of the scholars was traced by policein his native village in Anantnag, only two hours after his arrival.


He has been taken to an isolation facility in the district.

Another official said three other scholars from Baramullahave also been traced from their native villages and sent to the designatedquarantine facilities.

“The medical examination of all these scholars has beenconducted,” an official said.

Earlier, a letter issued by the medical authorities at AMUstated that four scholars from Kashmir have fled the isolation wards withoutinforming the medical practitioners or authorities there.

“The Math scholar from Anantnag had arrived from Taiwan onMarch 14  and was shifted to theuniversity health services (UHS) isolation ward. However, on Friday he left thehealth center informing that he was heading to his home town,” a letter issuedby Chief Medical Officer Shariq Aqil read.

It further said three other scholars, two from theDepartment of Agriculture Economics and Business Management and one from Botonywho had arrived from UAE on March 9 had also been admitted in UHS isolationward, however were absconding from the hospital from Friday night.

As soon as the letter went viral on social media last night,distressed citizens from Kashmir started posting it on their Facebook walls andWhatsapp groups seeking help to trace the scholars.

One of the scholars put a Facebook post defending their actsaying the health authorities during the quarantine period bundled many otherswith travel history from covid-19 affected countries in their room.

He also posted the pictures of the unhygienic condition ofwashrooms in the AMU health center.

“If this kind of isolation ward is provided and that tooafter 12 days of our visit from UAE and asked to sit with patients who camefrom Iran, Taiwan and China.. #Tell me what a rational scholar should do.

“Despite repeated requests to CMO to provide us separateroom for 3 days stay to complete our quarantine period he with his team deniedthe same. We followed what University administration asked us to do,” thescholar posted.

“Actually I have sent these pictures to the health secretaryMinistry of Health and Family Welfare that is why the CMO made this noticeviral to defend his stance.

“I request all don’t panic it is now our fifteenth day herewe don’t have any symptoms and all our tests are negative. # stay safe…(Sic)

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