Sajad Lone seeks FIR in alleged 1987 election rigging

Kupwara, Apr 3:  Reiterating that the alleged rigging of the 1987 assembly elections was the reason for turbulence and bloodshed in Kashmir for the last three decades, Peoples Conference (PC) President Sajad Gani Lone Wednesday sought an investigation into the conduct of 1987 elections, which according to him were rigged by and large.

Lone held National Conference (NC) President Farooq Abdullah and others responsible for rigging the 1987 assembly elections.


He sought registration of a case against Abdullah for the alleged rigging so that the truth would come before the people of Kashmir.

He said that registration of a case in the 1987 assembly elections would be the biggest confidence-building measure (CBM) for Kashmiris.

Lone passed on these remarks while talking to media representatives on the sidelines of a party function at his Handwara residence.

“I believe registration of an FIR against Farooq Abdullah, Congress leaders, and bureaucrats who rigged the 1987 elections would be the biggest CBM for Kashmiris,” Lone said.

Talking about NC’s Members of Parliament, Lone said that they had been in the Parliament for the last 20 years but never stood for the aspirations and dreams of Kashmiris.

Reacting to a question of being BJP’s ‘B’ team, he said that he always stood for Kashmiris.

“I am neither BJP’s ‘B’ team nor ‘C’ team but in fact ‘Kashmiris’ team. Those who talk about me should turn the pages of history and they will find their names in the list,” Lone said.

Taking a dig at Omar Abdullah, he said, “Omar Abdullah unfolded atrocities against Kashmiris first as Foreign Minister and then as Chief Minister.”

Talking about political prisoners, Lone said that the Centre should think about their release on humanitarian grounds.

He said that if voted to power he would seek development with dignity.

Lone requested people to give him a chance to represent them in Parliament by casting their vote in his favour.

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