Those picking up drone-dropped weapons, narcotics to be booked for treason, terror act: DGP

Jammu, Dec 3: Director General of Police (DGP) R R Swain Sunday said that anyone found involved in picking up arms, ammunition, narcotics or money dropped by drones would be tried under the laws dealing “with the highest level of treason and terrorism.” DGP stated that the number of terror operatives could not be shared due to intelligence and operational secrecy. In the same breath, he also asserted that the gravity of (security) situation or threat perception could not be gauged with the number of terrorists as even two individuals (terrorists) sometimes could cause massive damage.
DGP Swain was speaking to the media after an interaction with jurisdictional officers at DPO Samba.

“Broad sweeping statements cannot describe the situation in its right perspective. If you ask me about the number of terrorists working on the ground, due to operational secrecy, we don’t talk about numbers. But in any case, the number cannot be a yardstick to measure the gravity of situation as even two individuals can carry out an act to cause massive damage; can cause an untoward incident of a gigantic scale,” he said, in response to a comment about deteriorating situation in Jammu in the wake of spurt in terror incidents here as compared to Kashmir, where the terrorists were being eliminated.


He said that it (situation in Rajouri-Poonch) was a challenge which was being tackled with a well-planned stratagem, with the cooperation of people.
“Recently in a statement I had said that a challenge is definitely growing or it is being projected like that. The efforts are on to pose a challenge. But whether that challenge will overwhelm us and my answer
to this poser was – No. To take on this challenge, whether we will have to chalk out a stratagem or we will have to do a planning- the answer was in affirmation,” he said.

“I had also stated that in these kinds of challenges, the people have a great role to play. In the case of Rajouri-Poonch, we got dozens of inputs (tip-offs) from the local people. At some places, the people themselves have volunteered and their contribution and co-operation were overwhelming in anti-terror operations,” DGP said.

Further elucidating his point about the people’s cooperation, he referred to the Reasi incident where they helped security forces in catching two terrorists.
“You would be aware of an incident where the people themselves had tied a person (terrorist) or two. There is an effort from across the border. We are a border state. We cannot change that status. We are not Madhya Pradesh,” Swain said.

With regard to a query about challenges along the border, both at the International Border and the Line of Control, he said, “In the recent past, tunnels have been a challenge (along International Border). They (Pakistan) dug tunnels at various places and facilitated infiltrators. They (anti-national elements and terrorists) brought arms and ammunition through tunnels. This is one challenge. Drones have emerged as a new challenge. You too would have seen many drones (drone-dropping incidents). I would say, even on that account, the people have a great role to play.”

Referring to discussions at the MHA level suggesting people to use as “eyes and ears”, DGP said, “Last time, we were having deliberations at the MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs), there at the highest authority level it was stated that when the drone enters, there is such a vast population in the villages along borders. As such we have so many eyes and ears. We should utilise them. The drones enter stealthily like rats; they don’t create noise. Their technology is such that the conventional methodology, like the air defence system, does not pick up their movement.”

“We (Police, security forces) are there to counter big birds (threats). We want to put a system in place and bolster it at the police post and police station level so to get activated as soon as we get inputs about its (drone’s) movement; if it has entered, to detect its entry and its interdiction through intelligence as soon as it takes-off from across the border or it is air-borne,” he said.
Regarding those who receive supplies dropped by drones, J&K’s top cop said, “Anyone, who comes to pick it up (drone-droppings) and if we are able to catch that individual. We would like to degrade that person to the level; disincentivize to the extent that he would automatically realise its futility.”

“We believe that the person, who comes to get delivery of guns, arms, ammunition, explosives, narcotics, money dropped by drones, will be the biggest enemy of the country and he will be tried under treason and the stringent acts made to tackle terrorism at the highest level,” he warned.

“So, it is by a combination of intelligence, investigation, area domination, cooperation with the public, we will tackle it and make it so difficult for them they could not operate or themselves could understand the futility of such acts,” he said.

Earlier, while interacting with jurisdictional officers at DPO Samba, he advised the officers to identify the problems honestly which would lead to appropriate diagnosis and perfect solutions.
The meeting was attended by DIG JSK Shakti Pathak, SSP Samba Benam Tosh, all SDPOs and SHOs of Samba district.

DGP, as per an official spokesperson, said, “A lot of good work is being done by the Samba Police against narcotics but there is always a necessity of revisiting our action plans to make the campaign sustainable for a longer period.”

Directing for using modern day technology or gadgetry, the DGP emphasised upon officers to think differently for finding solutions to the problems adding that there was always scope for improvement and doing work in a better & professional manner. He stressed on identifying the problems honestly which would lead to appropriate diagnosis and perfect solutions.
“Stand tall and stay strong while fighting crime and criminals,” the DGP impressed upon the officers.

Reviewing the area domination plans and placement of nakas in the district, he stressed for utmost efforts to make the life of criminals very difficult. He directed for comprehensive investigation of cases and property attachment of criminals. He said that area domination and intelligence were correlated and stressed for giving thrust on both as per the circumstances and situations. He directed for increasing coordination within the ranks, other security agencies as also with people to defeat the ill design of the elements attempting to harm the society and our country.

During the meeting, it was observed that patterns of infiltration through tunnels and nallahs needed to be analysed from time to time. He directed for preparation of executable plans to enhance policing and added, “We should do what is doable within the given resources.”

The jurisdictional officers apprised the DGP regarding the security scenario and other police services being provided to the people in the district. SSP Samba briefed the DGP regarding the police efforts to keep crime under check.

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