UNSC passes Gaza Resolution amid US, Russia abstention

New Delhi, Dec 22: The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution addressing the Gaza conflict, focusing on increasing humanitarian aid to the region.

However, the resolution refrains from explicitly calling for an immediate truce between Israel and Hamas.


Instead, it emphasises the need to “create the conditions” for a ceasefire.

The voting process faced uncertainty as the United States expressed “widespread concerns” with an earlier draft, leading to its abstention in the final vote.

Russia also chose to abstain, highlighting the complexities surrounding the negotiations.

Earlier this month, a resolution advocating for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza garnered support from 13 out of the council’s 15 members.

However, the United States exercised its veto power, and the United Kingdom abstained from the vote.

The recent resolution marks a diplomatic effort to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza without explicitly demanding an immediate cessation of hostilities.

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