SED not in a position to install air conditioners in schools: Alok Kumar

Srinagar, July 27: Principal Secretary School Education Department (SED) Alok Kumar Saturday said that the department had not reached the point of installing Air Conditioners (ACs) in schools even as he vouched that the schools were equipped with basic facilities of drinking water facilities and shaded areas.

Kumar was speaking to the reporters on the sidelines of a function organised at the Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) to felicitate the teachers who participated in various blood donation camps.


Responding to a query on whether the department would announce summer vacations again for schools amid the ongoing heatwave, the Principal Secretary SED said, “We are all enduring the high temperatures, however, closure of schools is not a solution to prevent heatwaves. We earlier announced summer holidays considering the heatwave but if we continue to close schools every time it gets hot, we might not be able to run the school system effectively.”

He said that with the onset of winter, people would again demand vacations due to cold and the department announces prolonged winter vacation as well.

“We cannot close schools indefinitely in that period either. Schools need to operate during the available time. It does not make sense to close schools just because it is hot or cold,” Kumar said.

He said that such demands cannot be met.

“However, if someone faces problems due to the heat, we will not be very strict about attendance for a few days during the ongoing heatwave. But closing schools entirely is not a solution,” the Principal Secretary SED said.

Speaking about the available facilities, he said that the schools had facilities like drinking water and shaded areas.

“We have not yet reached a point where we can install air conditioners in schools, but we will gradually work towards providing such amenities,” he said.

Meanwhile, speaking about the event, Kumar said that the function was organised by the teachers and various associations that have been organising blood donation camps.

“We thought of giving them certificates and honouring those who participated in the camps. I believe it is one of the most important services to the nation. By participating in these donation camps, teachers are serving the nation,” he said.

The Principal Secretary SED said that a teacher’s duty includes staying involved in community service and blood donation camps sending the message that one must stay healthy to be able to donate blood.

“Those who are addicted to drugs or are not healthy cannot donate blood. Therefore, those who participate in blood donation are assumed to be free from addictions and healthy enough to donate. Blood donation is a service to the nation and mankind,” he said.

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