GMC Baramulla MBBS interns hold protest against inadequate monthly stipend

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Baramulla, July 27: Scores of MBBS interns at Government Medical College (GMC) Baramulla staged protest against the inadequate monthly stipend and demanded immediate hike similar to their counterparts in other states of the country.

The protesting students carrying placards assembled in the premises of the GMC Baramulla on Saturday and raised slogans in favour of their demand.


The intern MBBS students said that despite assurances from the authorities that their demand which is justified will be addressed soon, there has been no forward movement in this direction, with the result all the interns are unable to meet their expenses.

Adil, an internee at GMC Baramulla, said that “we are getting just Rs 12000 stipend per month which is less than wages of  an unskilled labour.”  He said with the growing living costs and considering “our nature of work it is extremely less and needs immediate hike.”

“Although we have been assured from the last two years that hike demand will be fulfilled, however, there has been no positive development in this direction so far,” said Adil.

Adil said a year back, the authorities formed a committee comprising principals of all the Government Medical Colleges to see the financial implications of the stipend hike. He said the committee in its report has suggested that the demand is justified and needs a hike in the stipend. Although some paper work was done, the issue was again kept in abeyance.

Another intern MBBS student said that the finance department has raised queries regarding their duties in rural areas, which they attend throughout the year and which form the basis of rural healthcare.

The protesting interns said that there is already considerable delay in fulfilling their demand. They said the finance department needs to act so that the intern MBBS students get their legitimate demands addressed.

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