GOC 15 Corps visits Tangdhar sector, reviews operational preparedness

Srinagar, June 27: Chinar Corps Commander Lt General Rajiv Ghai on Thursday visited the troops of the Vajr Division stationed along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Tangdhar sector of Kupwara in north Kashmir.

The visit comes against the backdrop of increasing infiltration attempts from across the border.


“Chinar Corps Commander Visits Tangdhar Sector’ #ChinarCorps Commander visited troops of Vajr Division deployed along the #LoC. The Corps Commander complimented troops for recent successful counter-infiltration operations along LoC and commended them for highest standards of combat readiness and operational preparedness. #Kashmir@adgpi @NorthernComd_IA @diprjk,” Chinar Corps- Indian Army said in a post on X.

The Corps Commander, accompanied by senior officers, conducted a comprehensive review of the operational preparedness and the security measures in place.

He praised the troops for their unwavering commitment and the successful execution of recent counter-infiltration operations that thwarted multiple attempts by infiltrators to breach the LoC.

“The highest standards of combat readiness and operational preparedness displayed by our troops are commendable. Your vigilance and swift actions have ensured the safety and security of our nation,” the Corps Commander said during his address to the soldiers.

The Tangdhar sector, part of the Kupwara district, has been a hotspot for infiltration attempts due to its challenging terrain and proximity to the LoC.

The recent surge in infiltration activities has raised concerns among security agencies, prompting heightened vigilance and intensified patrols along LoC.

During the visit, the Corps Commander was briefed on the current security situation, recent intelligence inputs, and the counter-infiltration grid’s effectiveness.

He interacted with the troops, acknowledging their hardships and encouraging them to maintain the highest level of alertness.

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