Narcotic smuggling cases surge in J&K during last 5 years: MHA figures

Srinagar, Dec 6: The cases related to narcotic smuggling have witnessed a surge in Jammu and Kashmir during the last five years, the Ministry of Home of Affairs (MHA) said on Tuesday.

As per the official figures, the number of cases and arrest of accused persons has doubled in the last five years. As per the statistics, around 938 cases were registered and 1460 persons were arrested in 2018. However the number has increased to 1837 and 3455 in 2022.


Also, the number of persons convicted in narcotics cases in Jammu and Kashmir has increased from 45 in 2018 to 115 in 2022.

The details were sought by Member Parliament Kesineni Srinivas in the ongoing session of Lok Sabha.

Replying to queries, the Minister of State (MoS) in MHA Nityanand Rai said that there was a surge in cases related to narcotics in Jammu and Kashmir while the number of persons arrested and convicted in narcotics related cases witnessed a surge as well.

“In addition to the scheme of assistance to the States for Narcotics Control the States are also supported through Assistance to States and UTs for modernization of Police which has components for Laboratory Material and Equipments and Forensic Sciences,” he said.

The Union Minister said that under assistance to states for narcotics control schemes, assistance is provided only for surveillance equipment, laboratory equipment, vehicles for patrolling/surveillance; fax machine and photocopiers, computers and accessories besides training equipment and other aids.

“Besides assistance is provided for other equipment useful for enforcement and assistance for special projects relating to non-enforcement activities including alternative development programmes in States which have perennial problems of illicit cultivation,” Union Minister said.

As per the figures, the narcotics cases have witnessed an increasing trend from 2018 to 2022.

“Only 938 narcotics cases were registered in 2018 while the number increased to 1173 in 2019, 1222 in 2020, 1681 in 2021 and 1837 in 2022. Also, the number of arrested persons increased from 1884 in 2019 to 2355 in 2021 and 3453 in 2022,” he said.

The MHA further informed that around 288 acres of poppy has been destroyed in Jammu and Kashmir in 2018 and 89 acres were destroyed in 2022. Also, 37 acres of cannabis was destroyed in Jammu and Kashmir in 2018 while 365 acres were destroyed in 2022.

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