Residents of Pulwama area demand repair of bridge

Pulwama, July 24: Residents of Tahab village in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district are facing tremendous inconveniences due to a partially damaged bridge in the area.

According to the residents, a portion of the bridge, which was damaged two months ago, is resulting in traffic snarls in the area.


“This is a crucial road connecting the village to Lassipora industrial area. The damage caused to the bridge  hampers the seamless traffic movement”, said Riyaz Ahmad,  a resident.

He said that apart from cars and two-wheelers, dozens of dumpers on a daily basis ply on this arterial road. The residents said that they brought the matter to the notice of concerned authorities umpteen times but to no avail.

“ The damaged structure could result in accidents”, said the residents.

They appealed to the R&B authorities to immediately repair the culvert to avert any major road mishap. As a mark of protest, the resident have erected a sign board near the damaged portion of  the bridge, reading “R& B missing”.

An official from the R & B department told Greater Kashmir that a team from the department had already visited the site and prepared an estimate for carrying out the repairs.

“The work on the culvert will be taken up soon”, said the official.

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