RS 30 LAKH GO DOWN THE DRAIN | For 15 years, Edu Deptt fails to construct a 10-room Kupwara school building

Kupwara: The residents of Gunchabotra and adjacent villages of Kupwara have expressed resentment against the authorities for failing to complete the 10-room building of Gundchabotra High School even after the passage of over 15 years.

The residents said that the construction work on the 10-room double-storied building was started with an aim to provide substantial accommodation to the students but the Education Department had miserably failed to achieve the task.


“The double-storey building has been left without a slab on the second floor. It has developed cracks and is in a dilapidated condition but the department is unmoved,” said Altaf Ahmad, a local youth.

“I believe it is a huge loss to the public exchequer to not complete the building when almost 90 percent of the work stands completed. We are unable to comprehend why the government has failed to complete this building even after spending over Rs 30 lakh,” he said.

The residents have sought intervention of the Director of School Education, Kashmir in this regard so that students of over 30 villages get substantial accommodation.

Zonal Education Officer (ZEO) Langate Naseer Ahmad told Greater Kashmir that he would look into the matter and take it up with the higher authorities.

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