This bed-ridden young woman needs your help

The family of a 30-year-old woman who suffered a multi-organ failure six years ago has appealed to the people to help fund her treatment.

Hailing from Sariwarpora Pattan of Baramulla district in north Kashmir, Dar Naseema developed nephrotic syndrome in May 2014 which resulted in a kidney failure. She was admitted to AIIMS for specialized treatment on March 5, 2015, bearing UHID NO.100841529 for the period of five months, the family said.


During this period, she suffered left lung pleural effusion and was later operated upon in July 2015.

Surviving on regular dialysis, she was again admitted for evaluation of lung on December 20, 2015. While her renal examination was going on, she developed a liver ailment too.

For about four months she had to undergo an active treatment for her liver before her 64-year-old father could donate his left kidney [bearing UHID NO 102122493] to save his ailing daughter.

On May 12, 2017, Naseema was operated for the kidney transplant (bearing UHID NO 102895870 & RT No. 2541/17) donated by her father. During all these seven years, the family was subjected to run from pillar to post to manage the treatment expenses for their daughter. The family had to spend a fortune on the treatment of Naseema.

As Naseema’s condition consumed the family – both mentally and financially – her mother too developed complications, taking the number of patients in the family to three.

In order to continue the required treatment protocol, she requires financial assistance, said a family member.

Those who want to contribute to save her precious life and lend a helping hand to ease out the sufferings of the traumatic family can pay into the patient’s bank account, details of which are given below, said the family member.

Dar Naseema Nusrat
A/C no: 0013041000001184
Branch: J&K bank Pattan
CELL No 8803076192

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