Video: Amazon boy delivering parcels on horseback in snow-clogged Srinagar wins hearts

Social media users in Kashmir have gone gaga over a viral video showing a delivery boy of the US-based e-commerce giant Amazon travelling on horseback to deliver parcels in snow-clogged Srinagar streets.

The video, with the theme song of Amazon India running in its background, has gone viral on social media.


Netizens are thrilled at the rare sight in the city with some social media users hailing the “determination, dedication and commitment” of the delivery boy in ensuring that parcels reach intended customers on time ‘come what may’, reported news agency GNS.

“Determination of a guy should be given one time benefit”, a Twitter user wrote while retweeting the video.

“@amazon should check this out. Only in Kashmir. Dedication”, another tweet read. 

One Twitter user went on to demand a reward from Amazon India for the delivery. “The boy deserves appreciation and @amazonIN should reward the commitment of this delivery boy,” the social media user said.

Besides Twitter, another popular social media app, Facebook was equally abuzz with video clips shared on different pages and personal accounts to cherish the “rare and amazing” sight of the youth with a horse in the heart of the city, to ensure timely dispensation of parcels to customers.

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