Will ensure dignified, prosperous life for people: Altaf Bukhari

Srinagar, Feb 25: Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari Saturday said that his party will do everything to ensure a dignified and prosperous life for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to a press note, he was addressing a well-attended public meeting in north Kashmir’s Pattan. Bukhari urged the people to use their vote wisely in the upcoming assembly polls.


He said, “Your vote is valuable and you should not give it away aimlessly, the way you have been doing over the past more than 70 years.” He stated that the traditional political parties and their leaders, who have been at the helm of affairs in Jammu and Kashmir for years and decades by dint of your votes, have actually been “deceiving you through emotional slogans and fake promises.” “ All these years, they are misleading you on the name of things like the so-called plebiscite movement, autonomy, self-rule, and so on,”Bukhari said.

He added, “Now, they are trying to allure you by saying that they will bring the abrogated Article 370 back. You must be alert and not allow these conventional politicians to exploit you anymore.”

While reiterating Apni Party’s agenda, and explaining its vision for J&K’s future, Syed Bukhari said that Apni Party wants a dignified and prosperous life for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, and only economic empowerment will pave a way for the dignity and prosperity of the people. “Also, economic empowerment will eventually fetch us the required political empowerment. Therefore, Apni Party, if given the mandate to form a Govt here, will focus on the economic empowerment of J&K people,”he said.

The Apni Party leader stated that his party has a clear vision and unambiguous agenda for J&K people, who have been grappling with a protracted conflict situation, bloodshed, and destruction here for quite a long time. “Our people are wounded and in dire need of some solace. I promise you that Apni Party will do everything to change the scenario for good,” he added.

On this occasion, Apni Party’s Senior Vice President and former Cabinet Minister Ghulam Hassan Mir said that J&K people need a clear-cut direction to move on and prosper. He said, “There is no doubt that August 5, 2019 occurrences were catastrophic for J&K people, but we have to move on for the sake of a better future. When someone’s house gets burned to ashes, he finds only two options: either just keep shedding tears without doing anything about it or rising to rebuild the house. Similarly, J&K people too have only two options: either keep crying over what happened on August 5 in 2019, or stand up and move on with larger goals to ensure a better future.” He added, “I would suggest that we should stand and start fresh. I assure you that Apni Party will lead you to a better future.”

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