Leh: Thousands rally for UT status to Ladakh

Thousands of people on Wednesday took out a rally in Leh town demanding Ladakh be given union territory (UT) status.

Headed by Tsewang Thinless, president Ladakh BuddhistAssociation, the rally started from Indira Chowk, Leh and culminated at thehistoric Pologround, Leh. There (Pologround), the speakers claimed that Ladakhis culturally, ethnically, linguistically and above all, geographicallydifferent from any part of the country and the region remains cut off for majorparts of the year. “So, Ladakh be declared a UT with separate legislature,”they said.


Among the speakers who addressed the gathering were TsewangThinles, president LBA; Ashraf Ali, president Anjuman Imamia, Leh; DechenChamga, president, president Christian community, Leh and Gey Shedup Chamba,president, All Ladakh Gonpa Association, Leh.  The stage was conducted by Rinchen Namgyal, vice-president, LBA.

The speakers said that the strategic importance of Ladakh can never be neglected for any more time and forcing it to remain a part of Jammu and Kashmir shall result into the total dissemination of the people of the Ladakh particularly of Leh district socially, culturally, ethnically and linguistically which will be a criminal negligence of the leaders at the helm of affairs in New Delhi. In once voice, the speakers demanded that Ladakh be declared a union territory without any further delay.

Zayed Ziddane

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