Are you in politics to make wealth: Azad to regional parties’ leaders

Srinagar, May 18: Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) Chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad today criticised the leaders of regional parties of Kashmir for dismissing the importance of jobs, education, and water in the Lok sabha elections.

He expressed s shock over their statements and questioning their motives. “If you cannot provide jobs, water, and electricity, then why are you in politics? To make your wealth,” Azad asked. He was addressing road shows at Shangus in Anantnag. The DPAP Chairman emphasised that addressing these fundamental issues is crucial for the well-being of the people and that DPAP is committed to tackling unemployment, improving education, and ensuring basic necessities for all.


He said, “PDP and NC leaders claim Lok sabha polls are not about Bijli and Pani, then what will the MP do with the funds he receives? Will he use them for himself? These parties have only exploited people with false promises and slogans while doing nothing on the ground. My MP candidate will properly utilise his funds for the people and will raise public issues in Parliament the way I did.” Azad expressed concern over the harassment of political workers by the administration, stating that such actions are alarming. “We must not harass any worker unless we have strong evidence. This is an attack on our democracy. Elections are being conducted in a democracy, whether in J&K or other parts,” Azad said. He further stated that DPAP’s sole agenda is development, focusing on building schools, colleges, more districts, and hospitals.

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