Chhattisgarh rice growers get pioneering technology solution to help address wild rice challenge

Raipur, May 18:   A new technological solution launched on Saturday promises to be a panacea for the age-old problem of rice growers in Chhattisgarh grappling with wild rice.

A statement issued here said that the FullPage® Rice Cropping Solution will save farmers upto Rs 6000 per acre and enhance their yields by 25-40%. It will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25-30%. This is a boon for farmers of over 60 lakh hectare in the state who use Direct Seeding of Rice or DSR method of planting paddy.


At a programme attended by over 1000 farmers from across the region at Bematara, Savannah Seeds unveiled its groundbreaking FullPage® Rice Cropping Solution to the Indian market in collaboration with ADAMA India, a leading global crop protection company. Specifically designed for direct-seeded rice (DSR), FullPage brings together SmartRice® genetics, SQUAD™ seed treatment, the FullPage unique IMI herbicide tolerance trait, and ADAMA’s Vezir® herbicide. As a comprehensive rice cropping system, FullPage is poised to reshape rice cultivation in India.

Ajai Rana, Chairman of FSII and Managing Director and CEO of Savannah Seeds said, “The FullPage® cropping solution will bring about a revolution in rice cultivation by addressing the critical issue of weed management. It not only enhances farmers’ incomes but also conserves water, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, thus safeguarding our environment for future generations.”

Despite being among the top rice producing states, rice farmers in Chhattisgarh face a significant challenge from wild rice, which grows alongside regular rice and is almost indistinguishable until the kernels begin to bud. This wild variety can reduce yields by 25 to 30 percent. Herbicides are not a viable solution because they also harm regular rice, making manual weeding the only effective method. Manual weeding is labor-intensive and costly, ranging from Rs 6000 to Rs 10000 per acre.

“FullPage® Rice Cropping Solution offers an innovative solution to this problem eliminating the need for manual weeding and saving farmers’ money while increasing yields. This technology has been successfully demonstrated in Chhattisgarh over the past three years and is now commercially launched in the state,” informed Rana.

This cutting-edge solution offers a comprehensive four-pronged advantage. Engineered specifically for DSR, FullPage® integrates smart genetics to optimize crop performance. With its SQUAD seed treatment, FullPage® guarantees uniform germination, promoting robust initial growth and plant vigor. Unlike conventional methods, FullPage® technology eliminates the risk of phytotoxicity to the crop, ensuring uninterrupted growth and maximum yield potential.

Traditional DSR practices often struggle with weed management and inconsistent germination, leading to lower yields. To address this challenge in rice farming, the FullPage® Rice Cropping solution integrates ADAMA’s Vezir® herbicide that controls weeds like weedy/red/feral rice and barnyard grass in Imazethapyr-tolerant hybrid rice. It gives growers reliable, broad-spectrum grass and broadleaf weed control.

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