HM’s visit was aimed to mobilise votes, divide people: Dr Farooq Abdullah

Poonch, May 18: National Conference (NC) President, Dr Farooq Abdullah, today said that recent visit of Union Home Minister (HM) Amit Shah was aimed to divide people and to garner votes and support of their proxy candidate.

Dr Farooq made these remarks while talking with media persons on the sidelines of INDI Alliance campaign rally at Poonch. “He (Home Minister) came and divided the people and some people eagerly met him,” NC President said.


He further alleged that some people took money to destabilise the society and they are now favourite of BJP.

“I have always been categorised as Pakistan man while those who received money for unrest are labeled as Indian,” said Dr Farooq Abdullah said.

Earlier, he asserted that India Alliance is working to ensure justice and rights to the people living in wide stretch starting from Lakhanpur to Leh which have been stalled by the incumbent BJP Government during its last 10 years of “misrule”. Dr Farooq was addressing two back to back election rallies in Surankote and Poonch towns canvassing for party candidate Mian Altaf Ahmed Larvi.

Accusing the ruling BJP of disturbing social fabric in the country, Dr Farooq said that India Alliance strongly advocates restoration of brotherhood prevalent before the inception of Modi Government, which manipulated to bring in discord among different communities for petty political gains.

He said the saffron brigade holds expertise in creating wedge among different communities making the country weak by giving air to things which are detrimental to communal harmony and bonhomie among people.

Mian Altaf said that during the NC’s rule in J&K, the party stood with poor strata of the society, ensured inclusion of far flung areas into developing segments, brought in policies for youth, facilitated people through doorstep services, fortified health sector, created robust civic infra and made vibrant changes in education sector. He said that all this is missing under the present government as the party in power has a different agenda to divide and rule. He vowed to make all possible efforts to safeguard secular fabric and ensure due rights to the people.

NC Provincial President Rattan Lal Gupta said that people of Jammu and Kashmir have decided to support the India Alliance looking into the mayhem caused by the misrule of BJP. He urged the people from all shades of life to rise above the party politics and vote for India Alliance to ensure good governance and provide fair deal to all without any discrimination on the basis of religion, region or linguistic differences.

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