4281 cases, 111 deaths in India

The death toll due to the novel coronavirus pandemic rose to 111 and the number of infections climbed to 4,281 in the country on Monday registering a record jump of 704 cases in 24 hours, according to Union Health Ministry data.

The active COVID-19 cases stood at 3,851, while 318 peoplewere either cured or discharged and one had migrated, the ministry stated.


According to the data updated at 6 PM, 28 deaths werereported in the last 24 hours — 21 from Maharashtra, two each from AndhraPradesh and Tamil Nadu, and one each from Punjab, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

According to the ministry, Maharashtra has reported the mostcoronavirus deaths at 45, followed by Gujarat (12), Madhya Pradesh (9),Telangana (7), Delhi (7), Punjab (6) and Tamil Nadu (5).

Karnataka has reported four deaths, while West Bengal, UttarPradesh and Andhra Pradesh have recorded three fatalities each. Two deaths eachhave been reported from Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala.

Bihar, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana have reported a fatalityeach, according to the data.

The total number of cases includes 66 foreign nationals.

However, a PTI tally based on figures reported by statesdirectly showed at least 126 deaths across the country.

There has been a lag in the Union Health Ministry figures,compared to the numbers announced by different states, which officialsattribute to procedural delays in assigning the cases to individual states.

The country-wide death toll on Sunday was 83.

The highest number of confirmed cases are from Maharashtra(748), followed by Tamil Nadu at 571 and Delhi with 523 cases.

Cases in Telangana have gone up to 321, in Kerala to 314, inUttar Pradesh to 305, while the number of cases has gone up to 274 inRajasthan.

There are 226 cases in Andhra Pradesh.

COVID-19 cases have risen to 165 in Madhya Pradesh, 151 inKarnataka, followed by 144 in Gujarat.

Jammu and Kashmir has 109 cases and Haryana has 84cases.  West Bengal has reported 80infections, followed by Punjab at 76.

Thirty-two people are infected with COVID-19 in Bihar, whileAssam and Uttarakhand have 26 cases each.

Odisha has 21 positive patients, Chandigarh has 18, Ladakhhas 14 and Himachal Pradesh has 13 patients.

Ten cases have been reported each from the Andaman andNicobar Islands and Chhattisgarh. Goa has reported seven COVID-19 infections,followed by  Puducherry with five cases.

Jharkhand has reported four cases, while Manipur hasreported two cases. Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh have reported an infectioneach.

“State-wise distribution is subject to furtherverification and reconciliation,” the ministry said on its website.

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