US CDC lowers distance guidance for schools

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has lowered the distance guidance for schools from 6 feet to 3 feet, saying 3 feet distance among students is sufficient in classroom as long as masks and other mitigation steps are taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The CDC earlier suggested that schools strictly enforce 6 feet of distancing in areas with high rates of Covid-19, Xinhua news agency reported.


The new guidelines announced on Friday still encourage 6 feet of distancing around teachers, and between adults and students at all times in the school building. The CDC also calls for maintaining 6 feet of distance when masks cannot be worn, such as when eating, and during activities such as singing, band practice, and sports and exercise.

Middle school and high school students should be put into small groups known as “cohorting” in areas of high community transmission, said the CDC.

Otherwise, students should still be 6 feet apart.

By easing spacing requirements, the new guidance may make it easier for many of the nation’s estimated 57 million K-12 students to return to classrooms in-person. “These updated recommendations provide the evidence-based roadmap to help schools reopen safely, and remain open, for in-person instruction,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement.However, the new guideline also drew concerns.

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