Azhar Hilal: A Beacon of Education and Compassion

Born in 1962, the son of the prolific Kashmiri novelist and short-story writer Akhtar Mohiuddin, Azhar Hilal’s life was destined to be intertwined with the profound realms of knowledge and pedagogy. From an early age, it was clear that Azhar inherited his father’s intellectual legacy and a deep-seated commitment to uplift society through education.

Azhar Hilal embarked on his educational journey by transforming two humble rooms outside his home into a shorthand and typing institute. This modest venture soon blossomed into the Winter Academy and eventually the esteemed Green Woods School. This transformation was not just a change of name but a reflection of his unwavering dedication to providing quality education to the children of Lal Bazar and adjoining areas. His vision turned those two rooms into a sanctuary of learning, where countless students found their paths to success.


As the principal of Green Woods School, Hilal Sir was a paragon of dedication and strict discipline. His formidable demeanor struck fear into the hearts of both students and colleagues. Yet, behind this stern facade was a man who profoundly loved his students, who believed that every child deserved not only knowledge but also care and support. His educational philosophy was deeply rooted in the belief that no child should be left behind due to financial constraints. Often, he would provide free education, books and study materials to the needy, ensuring every child had the opportunity to learn and grow.

His strictness extended beyond the school gates, creating an aura of respect and discipline that resonated throughout the community. Students would scatter from parks and roads at the sight of him, a reflection of the deep respect and fear he commanded. Yet, beneath this stern exterior was a man who profoundly loved his students, addressing their issues and supporting their families.

Azhar Hilal’s legacy is not just confined to the halls of Green Woods School but is etched in the success stories of the numerous doctors, engineers, journalists and entrepreneurs who once walked its corridors. His uncompromising standards and affordable education model set a benchmark in a time when many private institutions prioritized profit over pedagogy. He believed in nurturing minds and fostering a sense of discipline and hard work.

Beyond his educational endeavors, Hilal Sir was also a passionate football player. His multifaceted personality left an indelible mark on everyone who crossed paths with him. He was not just a teacher or a principal but a mentor, a guide and a beacon of light for all his students.

The news of his passing was a devastating blow. On that somber day, as people from all walks of life gathered to bid him farewell, the immense impact he had on the community was evident. The sheer number of mourners at his Nimaz-e-Jinazah was a testament to the lives he touched and transformed. The park where we offered the Nimaz-e-Jinazah could not accommodate all the mourners, a poignant reminder of how many hearts he had touched.

As I, along with many others, shouldered his coffin, memories of his profound influence flooded my mind. His encouragement and acknowledgment, especially when I started participating in national TV debates, were milestones in my life that I will forever cherish. I remembered how he cared for me and my elder brother, Ayaz un Nabi, who was his favorite student. Azhar Sir schooled him in driving and much more, leaving a lasting impression on both our lives.

Among the few people Azhar Hilal Sir confided in was my father, Ghulam Nabi Soudagar. In his tribute, my father remarked, “Azhar Hilal was not just an educator; he was a guardian of our children’s futures and a pillar of our community. His wisdom and dedication will be deeply missed.”

Today, though Azhar Hilal Sir is no longer with us, his spirit and mission endure. His wife, Nuzhat Madam, continues his legacy with the same dedication and passion. The void left by his passing is immense, but his teachings and values continue to inspire and guide us.

Azhar Hilal Sir is not just a memory; he is a continuing presence in our hearts and minds. His legacy lives on through the successful individuals his school has produced and the values he instilled in all of us. May Almighty Allah grant him Jannat ul-Firdous and bestow strength upon his family to bear this irreparable loss.

This is my humble tribute to a great teacher, a mentor  and an extraordinary human being.

By Inam Un Nabi is a prominent social activist and National Tv Debater. He is also alumni of Green Woods School

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