……..and a sad farewell

One, two, three…and countless. Some fashion-freak, some ever-despondent, some reasonably (or unreasonably) taciturn, and numerous others with typical dispositions and inclinations. They wander to and fro in a concrete and well-built structure; some in the quest to throw positive impressions around like toffees; some in the continuous process of getting along with fellow human beings; and some anxiously trying to excel – at studies.

One, two, three…and limitedly countless. Some humble souls, some exceedingly down-to-earth, some volcanoes hiding within themselves ever-hot lava of why-I-should-give-a-damn, and some mindfully minding their own business and living up to what they are expected of – to come, teach, and leave.


One friend was one-of-a-kind, like that typically reserved baby surrounded by ever-talkative and always-discussing kids. She doesn’t know how to speak, and she doesn’t know how to listen. Naïve, she makes of obvious things as grave threats – something to avoid at best. An unbloomed flower grounded in her standing and bent on her soft decisions.

Another was invariably watchful, habitually silent, and always deducting sound conclusions from tapestry. As his innate qualities tried to align with hers, they caused a Tsunami of confusing vibes in him. If-this-why-not-that, he exhausted his mental faculties on. The point was simple: he desired to get close to her. But she insisted on refusing flat out to speak, even. He had everything before him, yet he had nothing before him. As time wore on and such a beastly drill continued, his sanity faded into nothing.

Unknown forces at play somewhere in the background detracted from his ability to follow what justified his life’s achievements thus far: classes to attend, books to read up on, exams to take, and libraries to spend time in. The first one was lost in her fancy world of assuming everything coming her way as a menace. Any word rolling off her lips directed at him felt like a crime to her. To him, though, it was everything – an elevation. And between the two frustratingly confused states lay him in deep, deep thoughts.

The countless others internalized what teachers taught, my first batch mate, with a keen eye and acute hearing, took in the harping-on of teachers – and the second one conformed to the religion of ever-ignoring what didn’t concern his inamorata. He absorbed nothing, and everything was blasphemy, out of the order. Come questions after classes, and everything turned divine for him in that the opportunity brought the relief of looking at his dear to speak softly and calmly, as if a voice from some far-off galaxy. Madness – Indeed.

Divorced from such Junoon, some angels, with their future-fueled fantasies and seriousness about something, came forward to help him through this idiosyncrasy. They came, shot counsel his way, and left. As if his madness was something to be killed in an instant, his endearment something to be buried with cutting focus-on-yourself remarks. ‘They want someone with a high-paying government job. Indeed.’ As if this world begins and ends with kindly-accept-my-homage servants of limited upper rungs.

Two years have gone by, and the place where my madness went everywhere on all fours, stealthily seeking to find my friend’s warm lap, has decided to cut this short. My friend and countless others have sobbed their hearts out over the would-be nostalgia – the classes they have taken together, the gossip they have indulged in, the errands they have run, the classmates they have studied with, the rooms they have lived in, the teachers they have had discussions with and on and on.

………., here, bids adieu to the unattended classes, missed exams, and imaginary talks.

Happy farewell!

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