Change, that’s the point

Times have changed. Civilizations have come and gone, giving rise to the better version of the former. Modes of worshipping God have changed. Change for the modified version of what already existed has always been there.

Come to even an ant that constantly nibbles at a tiny piece of sweet food: should we try to play with it, it senses the impending doom and quickly retreats to its safe place.


It knows if it keeps itself there for a few more seconds, it will have been doomed by human fingers any day now.
Change, that’s the point. That’s the story. That’s the beginning and end of everything.

That’s the towering, the climax. That’s what lingers and breathes life into the decaying recesses of what needs to be changed. But…but have we changed in every aspect? Let’s reflect on it. Have we ever taken a moment to meet this ever-generous change with our ever-rancorous self? I will try to explain.

1) Creating Leverage: This is something we carry as clothes. We often create situations favouring our sense of being more fitting and influential than others. In most cases, we take note of moments in a conversation, gatherings, offices and so on and use them to our selfish advantage – to show our formidable stances. It displays nothing but brings disgrace to us as human beings. Respect others: change yourself for that. The crux!

2) Human Toxicity: This we have grown habitual of, much like anything else. We make a toy out of someone and have no guilty conscience thereof. We play cruel games with the sentiments of others and leave them defenceless and at the mercy of themselves. In a quest to exhibit cleverness in us, we doom ourselves as human beings. This beast in us must die. Reflect on it.

3) Pleasure Obsessions: ‘You may die; I must delight in my pleasures. Give me a wee challenge, and I shall eat a dozen unhealthy barbeques in minutes. I have purchased a Rubicon or other costly car to feel comfortable driving.’ Sounds familiar? Nothing wrong with it, though. However, only and only becoming obsessed with cars, food, and travel reflects how hollow and animalistic (putting it too honestly) we have become. Shift your focus to other pressing needs: care for the less privileged – do something to help humanity. Our Gaedi-Tasruf, Khaeni-Prah, and Chakri-Jin obsessions can wait.

4) Human Hysteria and Hubris: We lose our senses in the blink and give forth what disqualifies us as human beings: bursting with anger, holding grudges, harbouring prejudices, hatred, jealousy and on and on. A fully mature human being turns into an annoying, furious brat of a sort in seconds… A slight nudge and another similar dark side of ours pops us like foam: human hubris. ‘I have this much of everything. Nothing, I have nothing to do with. We respect those like us – nobodies in the trash can.’ This level of hubris only explains how narrow we are vis-à-vis our mental perspective. Humility, shift your senses to – that we need. Emotional, physical, and mental. Strictly.

Tailpiece: I hope the civilized people would take this message seriously and not just let it go in one ear and out the other. And CHANGE.


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