Dark Side of ‘Education Activism’

In a recent development, authorities in Jammu have apprehended self-styled education activist Amit Kapoor, notorious for his relentless campaigns against private educational institutions and government bodies such as DSEK and FFRC. His arrest under section 387 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) underscores a growing threat faced by the education sector from individuals posing as champions of educational reform. This event sheds light on the deceptive nature of certain activists, whose ostensible crusades for justice and accountability cloak a more opportunistic agenda.

A closer examination of Kapoor’s arrest reveals a troubling pattern of deceit that transcends regional boundaries. There is a striking correlation between Kapoor and his counterparts in Kashmir, where a similar campaign against private educational institutions has been unfolding. Accusations against figures like the Chairman of JKFFRC and the Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) have been rampant, ranging from collusion with private schools to exploiting education for personal gain.


Kapoor’s tactics, characterized by orchestrated protests and unfounded accusations against both private schools and government officials, have severely tarnished the credibility of genuine educational advocacy. What initially appeared as isolated incidents now unveil themselves as part of a broader network, reaching into the Kashmir valley. At its core lies a disturbing reality: these activists, motivated solely by greed, display a callous disregard for the education of children.

This situation prompts a crucial question: are these Kashmiri activists truly advocating for education reform, or are they mere pawns in a larger scheme of deceit and manipulation? The association with Amit Kapoor casts doubts on their integrity and motives. It is imperative that swift action be taken against such individuals who in the guise of activism malign the reputation of private schools, and the concerned government officials.

A Network of Deception

Kapoor’s arrest exposes a nefarious strategy that extends beyond his own actions to include his Kashmiri counterparts. These activists, claiming to champion education reform, exploit their social media platforms to manipulate public opinion and extract funds from educational institutions. Their arsenal includes disseminating false information, lodging baseless complaints, and leveraging social media to amplify their narratives. Through these methods, they coerce compliance, leveraging fears of reputational damage and legal entanglements.

In Kashmir, private schools face relentless attacks orchestrated by these self-styled activists, who engage in campaigns of defamation and legal intimidation. The relentless stream of unfounded accusations and misinformation creates an atmosphere of distrust, undermining the educational institutions’ ability to deliver quality education. This exploitation not only diverts resources away from educational priorities but also instills fear and uncertainty among parents, students, and educators alike.

Not Mere Coincidence

Kapoor’s arrest raises profound doubts about the integrity of his associates in Kashmir. Accusations against figures such as the Directorate of Education, the Chairman of JKFFRC, and the Director of School Education Kashmir (DESK) are widespread, alleging collusion with private schools and exploitation of the education system for personal gain. Both factions, operating under the guise of educational advocacy, stand accused of orchestrating protests and leveling baseless allegations to advance their hidden agendas. The shared tactics and objectives suggest a coordinated effort, calling into question the sincerity of their intentions.

The striking similarity in approach between these Kashmiri individuals and Kapoor cannot be dismissed as coincidental. Both parties, under the guise of educational activism, purport to uphold justice while engaging in dubious practices behind the scenes. While Amit Kapoor’s arrest prompts scrutiny of his Kashmiri counterparts, it also demands a thorough examination of their credibility and true motivations.

Consequences for Students, Parents, and Educational Institutions

The impact of these opportunistic activists on the education sector is profound and multifaceted. For students, the distraction and disruption caused by such activities hinder their academic progress and create an atmosphere of anxiety. The educational journey, meant to be a period of growth and learning, is marred by the constant threat of instability and controversy.

Parents, too, bear the brunt of this exploitation. Misled by the activists’ false narratives, they become unwitting participants in campaigns that ultimately harm their children’s educational environment. The erosion of trust between parents and educational institutions further complicates efforts to foster a collaborative and supportive community necessary for student success.

Educational institutions, already grappling with the complexities of delivering quality education, find their mission compromised by the relentless pressures of these activists. Private schools in Kashmir have not been spared from the wrath of these activists. Baseless allegations, misinformation campaigns, and legal battles have become commonplace, with aggrieved parties seeking justice against the onslaught of defamation and extortion. The diversion of resources to address baseless complaints and legal battles detracts from their primary goal of educating students. The reputational damage inflicted by these campaigns can have long-lasting effects, diminishing the institution’s standing and ability to attract students and staff.

The Larger Implications for Society

The activities of these self-styled activists extend beyond individual institutions, threatening the broader educational framework of the region. By undermining public confidence in the education system, they jeopardize the future of countless students who rely on these institutions for their personal and professional development. The resulting climate of distrust and instability hampers efforts to implement meaningful educational reforms, which are crucial for the region’s progress.

Moreover, the exploitation of activism for personal gain erodes the integrity of genuine advocacy efforts. It casts a shadow over the work of legitimate activists and organizations dedicated to improving education, making it more challenging for them to gain the trust and support necessary to effect positive change.

The question arises: are these Kashmiri activists truly advocates for education reform, or are they merely pawns in a larger game of deceit and manipulation? The undeniable association with Amit Kapoor raises doubts about their integrity and motives. It is imperative that action be taken against such miscreants who tarnish the reputation of private schools under the guise of activism.

In light of these revelations, it is imperative for the public to exercise vigilance and critical thinking when evaluating the claims and actions of self-proclaimed activists. Blind trust in such individuals can lead to exploitation and deception, with far-reaching consequences for the education sector and society at large. Verifying information, questioning motives, and demanding transparency are essential steps in safeguarding the integrity of educational advocacy.

To protect the education system from further harm, collective action is needed. Parents, educators, and community leaders must collaborate to expose and counteract the deceitful tactics of these opportunistic activists. By fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, we can ensure that the focus remains on genuine educational reform that benefits all students and strengthens the region’s educational foundation.


In conclusion, while activism plays a critical role in driving positive change, it is crucial to distinguish between genuine efforts and those driven by self-interest. By uncovering the truth behind these self-styled activists, we can protect the integrity of the education sector and ensure that it remains a beacon of hope and progress for future generations. The time for collective vigilance and action is now, to preserve the sanctity of education and to secure a brighter future for the children of Jammu and Kashmir.

BY Ayaz Rehman

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