
In response to your previous article, I want to emphasize that the patient-doctor relationship is fundamentally built on trust. While it’s true that patients can sometimes be non-cooperative or even unfair, your profession demands a unique blend of patience, compassion, and unwavering dedication. This is precisely why the medical field is often regarded as the most noble of professions.

You cannot refuse to treat a smoker for lung disease simply because they smoke, nor can you deny care to a cancer patient because of their history with alcohol. The essence of being a doctor transcends these judgments. Anyone considering this vocation must recognize that beyond the financial benefits, there lies a profound responsibility to be humane and compassionate.


Doctors are the pillars of trust and respect within the community. It is upon them to uphold the sanctity of this trust and the expectations placed upon them by their patients. Your willingness to raise this issue, even as a doctor yourself, is commendable and highlights the importance of maintaining the ethical and empathetic core of the medical profession.


Muhammad Ramzan Sofi

(Rtd. Senior Citizen)

Chotta Bazar

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