How Artificial Intelligence will shape and dominate the 2024 elections

As the world gears up for the year 2024, the global stage is preparing for an unprecedented electoral spectacle, poised to go down in history as the largest election extravaganza ever witnessed.
With over two billion individuals spanning 50 countries gearing up to exercise their voting rights, this marks a momentous milestone on a global scale.

What distinguishes the 2024 election year is the groundbreaking infusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the utilization of machine learning for specific tasks within the realm of politics.


This innovative integration is reshaping the landscape of political communication and campaign strategies, setting a new standard for the way leaders engage with the public and conduct their campaigns.

The transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence is not merely an enhancement but a fundamental redesign of the very essence of political energy and discourse. As the world enters this era of technological influence, the dynamics of elections are undergoing a profound shift.

The Trio: India, US, and UK Elections

In the lead-up to the 2024 elections, three of the world’s most populous and influential nations—India, the United States, and the United Kingdom—are taking centre stage. The political landscapes of these nations stand on the verge of a revolutionary transformation as they gear up for the upcoming electoral processes.

In India, a nation known for its vibrant and largest democracy, the anticipation is particularly heightened as citizens prepare to exercise their voting rights in the national elections. Scheduled for April and May, these elections will not only shape the future trajectory of the country but also determine the next Prime Minister.

What distinguishes the 2024 elections is the integration of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney,, among others, into the political arena. As these cutting-edge technologies become increasingly prevalent, concerns arise regarding our readiness to confront the profound impact they may have on shaping the destinies of nations. The intersection of advanced AI and politics is poised to redefine the electoral landscape, prompting a closer examination of the implications and challenges that lie ahead.

Uncharted Waters: AI in Election Campaigns

The integration of AI into campaign strategies – from precision-targeted messaging to tailored outreach plans, AI is poised to transform the way candidates engage with voters. The extensive adoption of AI prompts a crucial question—do we possess adequate readiness to grapple with the extensive consequences of entrusting artificial intelligence to shape the path of our political destiny? Should we trust the invisible campaign that many times we may not even know the source of it?

While experts acknowledge the manifold benefits AI brings to human endeavours and workforce efficiency, they caution that the world is largely unprepared for the seismic impact of AI on the democratic process. Leaders and experts are sounding alarm bells, emphasizing the potential hazards associated with introducing AI into the realm of electoral decision-making. The cautious stance reflects concerns about navigating the uncharted waters of AI in politics, which has no emotions and is generated through machines and the need for a comprehensive understanding of its implications.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s AI Deepfake Concerns

Recently, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, connected artificial intelligence to overcome language barriers. Speaking to a Tamil-speaking audience at the Kashi Tamil Sangamam cultural festival in Varanasi, Modi utilized Bhashini—an AI-driven language translation tool introduced in July of the preceding year. Officially named BHASa INterface for India or Digital India Bhashini, this tool played a pivotal role in translating Modi’s speech into Tamil in real-time, showcasing AI’s potential to promote linguistic inclusivity.

While Modi advocates for the positive applications of AI, he remains a vocal critic of its darker aspects. Specifically, the Prime Minister has raised concerns about the increasing threat of deepfakes on social media. During the grand finale of the Smart India Hackathon, Modi alerted the public to the deceptive nature of AI-generated videos and images. He underscored the importance of vigilance in navigating the rapidly evolving technological landscape, urging citizens to exercise caution with emerging technologies.

Deepfakes, driven by generative AI, have emerged as a formidable challenge. These manipulative technologies can alter videos and images to an extent where individuals can be convincingly impersonated, saying or doing things that never occurred. Modi’s apprehensions resonate with a global sentiment, sparking discussions about the necessity for robust regulations to safeguard against the potential misuse of AI in influencing public perception.

A Call for Global Regulations: Modi’s Stand on Deepfakes

Modi’s concerns about deepfakes extend beyond national borders. During the virtual G20 summit on November 22, he advocated for global regulations governing AI. Stressing the importance of AI being safe for

society, Modi articulated the need for collaborative efforts to mitigate the dangers posed by deepfakes. In his words, “Understanding how dangerous deepfakes are for society and individuals, we need to work forward. We want AI to reach the people, it must be safe for society.”

The urgency of addressing deepfake threats was reiterated on November 17 when Modi labelled deepfakes as one of the most significant threats facing the Indian system. He asked the media to play a crucial role in educating the public about the rising problem, citing a deepfake video of himself engaging in the traditional dance form Garba as a vivid example of the technology’s potency.

Modi’s Vision for India’s Technological Future

Beyond the immediate concerns about deepfakes, Modi used the Smart India Hackathon platform to articulate his vision for India’s technological prowess. Emphasizing the transformative role of technology in our lives, he advocated for self-sufficiency and reducing dependency on imported technology. Modi, a proponent of India’s vast talent pool, expressed confidence in the nation’s ability to deliver innovative, cost-
effective, and sustainable solutions to global challenges.

While praising the potential benefits of evolving technology, the Prime Minister also sounded a note of caution about the escalating challenges of cyber fraud. In a world increasingly connected through technology, Modi urged vigilance, particularly against the misleading authenticity of deepfake videos created through generative AI.

Safeguarding Democracy: How to Protect Yourself from AI Fakes

As the nation braces for the elections of 2024, the infusion of AI introduces both complexity and opportunity into the political landscape. Amidst the challenges posed by AI-generated misinformation, the responsibility extends beyond social media platforms to individual citizens.

In the face of this evolving landscape, the critical tasks of verifying information, fostering a discerning mindset, and diversifying news sources become imperative. These actions are crucial to counter confirmation bias and confront the escalating threat of deepfakes. Masses including those well-read need to be educated on how to face the challenges of fake news and deepfake.

In a broader context, the year 2024 is anticipated to mark a pivotal moment at the crossroads of technology and democracy. With AI playing a central role in shaping political narratives and influencing electoral outcomes, nations and individuals are urged to proceed with caution. It is paramount to ensure that the power of AI is harnessed for the greater good and aligns with the principles of democracy.
The message is clear: Embrace the potential of AI while concurrently taking measures to safeguard against its perils. Only through this balanced approach can societies navigate the challenges presented by this brave new world of techno-politics, promoting informed citizenry, and upholding democratic values. Stay vigilant, stay informed.

Surinder Singh Oberoi is a regular contributor to Greater Kashmir.

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